

Well he had to close it because last time he went to an open beach people kept throwing water on him and trying to roll him into the ocean.

I finished my New Game+ playthrough of SteamWorld Heist on experienced difficulty. Fen (the DLC character) is probably my fave because I love how self-sufficient he is. He heals! He has a beam! He slices! He dices! I also got the hang of Billy this go-round. The only character I didn't really figure out how to use is

Transformers should perform really well in the draft as a flop.

Was it ever! Of all the elements of the show he's reinterpreted I think it's Moffat's take on the Master that I love the most. RTD seemed not to know what to do with him at all, so while John Simm's performance was compelling at first, the writing failed the character on every level and I didn't really give a shit

I smell a TNT original series!

I'm about to watch it.

I've wanted them to do something where he meets a takeoff on the Doctor, since the show's other big inspiration aside from Back to the Future is "what if everyone on Doctor Who actually displayed appropriate psychological fallout after the insane shit that happens?" (when Stephen Colbert was announced as 'a rival' to

"The Perks of Being a Wall-Crawler" is why they pay him the big bucks.

And now Dowd gives Spider-Man: Homecoming a B. He's going soft in his old age.

Big prescriptivists those Elizabethan actors were.

It's always nice when villains are verbally clear on what must be destroyed once and for all. Makes things easier on the henchmen.

Oh I was talking specifically for the can-can dress. The tiny ones give cheaper quotes.

For reference the very cheapest shipping option cross-country in the US is $40 so it might be a good bit more to send it overseas.

Very little under $200, too rich for my blood.

I was kind of 'meh' on it from the trailers but the reviews are getting me pretty hyped. It sounds like they really committed to making a high school movie as the primary genre, superhero film second.

CBS makes a whole lotta bullshit during the summer. 'Member Under the Dome? 'Member the cow getting chopped in half?

It's not as fun as CSI: Cyber but it does leave me feeling vaguely concussed because I understood literally none of it, which is a fairly novel TV viewing experience.

The hour just flew by in a blur of incomprehensible exposition and inscrutable character interactions!