
That's sad to hear, I was considering hate-watching it this summer. It's already aired in Canada I take it?

I hope Colbert will do a BrainFight/Covetton House crossover in light of this revelation.

I get that everything has to be a franchise now but this has so little relation to Jumanji that I feel like it'd almost be an easier sell if it was marketed as 'original Hart/Johnson/Black action-comedy feat. Karen Gillan' rather than 'hey remember this thing you like from the 90's? Well we changed everything about it

This one also has Kevin Hart as a former high school jock so they're pretty clearly hoping to tap into that huge(?) audience of Central Intelligence fans by recreating that exact dynamic.

Dude's everywhere these days. The Good Place, Kong, GLOW, this…

Hey remember what I said yesterday about there being a 5% chance that Inhumans isn't a garbage fire? I think I was being too optimistic: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I get the feeling everyone who liked Jupiter Ascending is going to love Valerian.

Well now he's gonna be in Inhumans, which has maybe a 5% chance of not being a garbage fire!

I dunno you really think Trump knows that The Guardian exists? He barely seemed to know what the BBC was when he held his last press conference four months ago.

It means he thinks the paper is a legal front to keep Amazon from being an internet-only company, right? Because the only thing he understands on a level beyond biological instinct is complicated tax-avoidance schemes?

The prosthetics for Foxcatcher 2 have really gone off the rails.

"Jared did you see this totally fake new story about us and Russia in The Guardian of Amazon Not Paying Internet Taxes (Which They Should)?"

It's pretty sad that the area of Baldwin's career where he seems most engaged nowadays is hosting Matchgame.

Wow it's amazing that this poster for a fake NBC TV Movie from season 7 of 30 Rock is just now surfacing on the internet.

I'm down and currently have a very flexible schedule.

Probably for the best.

If Fury Road could get a token nomination with no chance of winning I don't see why this can't.

Nobody recommended you watch X3, Deadpool, or Apocalypse either.

We get a completely random grab bag of 50 questions out of a pool of hundreds, of which you can get 10 wrong. It's not divided into sections and they're not at all testing us on all or even most of the crucial basics of road safety, so it makes a sick kind of sense that they can't be as stringent about getting them

I'm one boss fight away from finishing the campaign of SteamWorld Heist. My MVP so far is Payroll. He was the first specialized character who I really got how to use and it's so much fun to give him a jetpack and send him zipping all around the map to shotgun bots in the back. I turned my Piper into Iron Man (because