
It might actually be my favorite of the trilogy. The perfect mix of grounded and outlandish. Nolan made something special with TDK but it could only happen once and when other non-Nolan people try to rip it off the results are dismal. Meanwhile Marvel was ripping off the less-gritty, more-fun Batman Begins and they

Also for the second censored part:

Has Anne Frank ever seen a cat penis?

X-men - because the film explicitly draws a contrast to the events and tone of that film within the text.

It's called "The third act of The Lego Batman Movie"

I just did all the practice tests on driving-tests.org over the past week or so. They're very slick and professional so I found it amusing that the actual test looks like it was made by a first-year web design student.

Yeah our test is totally bogus. There's all sorts of bullshit about how many points you'll accrue for passing a school bus or how much the fine is for your second PIP violation. It's like, we just need to know it's bad. We don't need to know the consequences.

I missed 8 questions of 50 making this possibly my worst performance ever on a test I actually studied for. Did you know that if you lift your truck in Florida the front bumper has to be no more than 28 inches above the ground?

I could theoretically have gotten my learner's permit the day "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design" aired. I finally did so today.

I watched all of GLOW (loved it, and it even kind of made me want to watch actual wrestling which I think means they did exactly what they wanted to), the new Doctor Who (see comment about it being as dark and clever as R&M), and played a shitload of SteamWorld Heist. I also began listening to the Attack of the Podcast

I will be updating that soon with the Q2 results btw. Mainly I've just been dreading tabulating how mediocre my first-round F8 pick ended up being.

Yeah that used to be a big thing when she was still around. I remember you played and so did Narwhal and… one of the Canadians? I considered joining in at one point when there was a call for new players but I think I decided I was too busy with school. I might be interested in playing now though if we start up

I find it pretty remarkable that in 10+ hours of The Phantom Podcast, Griffin and David never actually got around to discussing the film's most famous moment or its most infamous one. Aside from the audio commentary (which I have not yet listened to), I don't recall any mention whatsoever of the actual Duel of the


I started playing that copy of SteamWorld Heist Gussie so generously gave me and it's captivated me in a way no game has in a long while, maybe since FTL. (To be fair I don't play that many new games). I've gone through the whole first phase this afternoon and preemptively picked up the DLC on sale.

Around. Florida has a sizable population of peafowl descended from escaped(?) imported specimens. It's like our constrictor problem but way prettier.

There were five peacocks in my back yard this afternoon. (Video features four peacocks plus my sister's hand throwing edamame at them).

I love how they're all reinterpreted as these noir toughs and then "One Froggy Evening" gets a direct visual quote.