
So even the touchscreens won't let you order a meatless sandwich?

I don't know much about McD's POS technology but at a lot of locations they're rolling out a touchscreen ordering system that gives customers very wide control over their orders, to the extent that you can get just a piece of cheese in a box as a burger. I think your local franchise is just apathetic and outmoded..

That's what I figured. The reason the trailers are cut so weird is because there wasn't much Iron Man to work with but they wanted to shove as much RDJ into them as possible.

Who needs Rick & Morty when Doctor Who is being that clever and dark?

Uncle Ben founded a huge rice conglomerate and became emotionally distant before divorcing Aunt May and moving across the country to live with some bimbo.

The American public only wants to see Matt Damon if he's trapped on other planets.

That Back to the Future joke in GLOW tho.

They're pretty serious about building their own blockbuster factories. The Great Wall was a test run of sorts, produced for $150M. As long as they're willing to go a little cheap on the effects (maybe only 1 million CGI sparks flying everywhere instead of 2 million) they could probably make a Transformers movie for

I wonder if Paramount will ever sell the rights to the characters to whatever big Chinese studio comes asking first.

I don't think I've posted about it but after listening to the Book of Henry ep I started an archive binge of Blank Check and have just finished the Phantom Podcast eps. I'm so glad I've now heard the good word about Gragra.

I've watched it twice. If we're still around to do year-end lists it will likely feature quite highly on my episodes ranking.

I applied for a job as the Night Library Technology Specialist at my recent alma mater today. If I get it then there's a lot of upsides - I can save loads of money and hassle by staying at home, I know a lot of people on campus (obvs) and it pays fairly well and has benefits. Plus it happens at night which is pretty

What the hell is he swinging from? A helicopter?

Any relation to Elijah Mundo?

Ten episode half-hour dramedy dropping in 2.5 hours!

Kids were older and had different costumes. Case open and shut.

Aww does that mean no "Clair De Lune"?

The new-ish Vietnamese place downtown has the rather unfortunate name "Phở Co." which of course when pronounced correctly sounds like "Fucko". It's very professionally put together though (maximal efficiency in a space no more than 15 feet across - it reminds me of New York) and the food was real tasty. I had never

The article in question was written four years ago.