
Maybe they can get DJ Ski Mask.

Sadly I think its title will probably hamper it. I had a hard time convincing my dad I legit wanted to see it just because he thought the title was dumb.

It sounds as though the Science Channel may have picked up Battlebots! Maybe the best televised sport isn't dead after all.

Even as a Lego fanatic, I have never bought a Ninjago set, nor do I really care that much about the upcoming Ninjago Movie. However, the newly-announced D2C Ninjago City set looks like if Pushing Daisies-era Bryan Fuller was the production designer for Blade Runner and I must have it.

I'd pay at least a dollar for a Last Jedi poster.

The gun one is cooler but the floating heads one will probably entice more viewers. I say put the heads one in the theater and quietly steal the gun one for yourself.

I'm mainly interested in the food. It's sci-fi food! They put little yogurt balls on everything to make it look future-y!

The entirety of the UK snap general election literally did happen between the primary and today.

Someone needs to try LXG again in this new era of adaptation. It could be really good. It's like what Dark Universe is trying to be except not fucking stupid.

Side note: Is there any particular reason this film debuted on a goddamn Tuesday?

Yeah, when your pour $50M into a single congressional district, you activate every single conceivable possible voter on both sides. And in that district there are more R votes than D when that happens (especially when there's severe weather).

Perhaps the process was different but I suspect the end result will be the same: entertaining, competent, corporate, and tragically deficient compared to what might have been.

Despite Ossoff losing and Han Solo getting Ant-Man'd, seeing The Baggs at Rifftrax Live was still the most disturbing thing to happen to me tonight.

Car Men?

It's super fucking weird that the margin in SC-05 is actually smaller than the one in GA-06. The lesson is that whether you spend all the money in the world or ignore the race entirely, you'll still lose by less than five points.

Still, it's demoralizing even if the numbers say it's a good result. The binary win/loss will affect recruiting efforts and the climate on the hill despite the margin changing. The only upside morale-wise is that it will allow the GOP to continue fooling themselves into thinking all the swings don't matter because at

I think everything starts at $25 and they rely on the long bidding period to drive the prices up.

The futuristic instruments from MeowMeowBeenz are stealth a great buy because 1) they look really cool regardless of the reference, 2) that was a good episode, and 3) the keytar remains functional!

House of Leaves pulls one of the neatest semiotic tricks I've ever seen, a symbol and sign that becomes its own referent. The gradual equation of the house with the film with the paper with the book sneaks up quietly throughout the novel, but it's also present from the moment you see it on the shelf, with the inside

I've never been on the ass end of a tropical cyclone as it forms up before. Normally they're fully coherent by the time they reach us. Lemme tell ya: it's moist.