
I got the results of the Bechdel Test back. I definitely have breast cancer.

I had not realized that Trevorrow is ostensibly writing the screenplay for Episode 9. Never have I hoped more for the suits to interfere with a film, frequently and vigorously.

That's what I figured would happen.

Wonder Woman is holding on at the box office like it's not even a superhero movie. The third weekend drop was only 30%. Beating Suicide Squad and BvS domestically seems within reach now.

Those were seven years ago though, I feel like that's just before the model changed for the premium prestige-y channels. (I'm probably talking out of my ass here I wasn't paying attention to this shit when I was in 9th grade). Anyway at some point in that time frame those channels changed how they look at things and

I don't think any channel known for its so-called "prestige" shows can ever make a true cult show in the sense we're discussing, because cults require a sense of grievance against the network suits. No fan base will ever believe that the people at FX or HBO or AMC or Netflix are mistreating their show because the

My dad was really skinny when he was my age and I don't even know how since he's always eaten like shit to hear him tell it. Back then he didn't even eat salad, and drank lots of Mountain Dew. If I ate like that I'd be back up to 190 pounds in no time.

I think airing on a network is a fairly crucial part of the equation, since there has to be a sense that there's these suited higher-ups who don't give a shit about your show and don't know what a good thing they have going, which leads to the fear of cancellation. Unfortunately there haven't been any network shows

Definitely seconding Gussie on Steven Universe then. There's no end of worry that CN won't renew it after the current season due to poor ratings and screwy scheduling. Like Community and Hannibal it transcends its nominal genre (hangout sitcom, crime drama, children's cartoon, respectively) in a way that makes it kind

I think it was more like how I can drink a bunch of soda but I wouldn't want to drink just the syrup.

I like JT quite a bit better now that he's stopped yammering about his one-night stands and started going for real nuts. The passage where he comes close to articulating his feeling that he's just a frame story in a novel, though not in so many words of course, was the fun kind of po-mo imo. Overall he strikes me as a

Wholly agreed on the three-parter. If you're gonna spend 25% of the season on a single story it had better be a damn good one, and while Extremis was an excellent start the other two didn't live up to it.

I'm reading House of Leaves. It's quite the experience. I don't know that I'd recommend it to anyone who's not really into metafiction and formal experimentation. The horror story at the center is quite good, and I think it presages a lot of what would come to be the standard-issue format for horror on the internet

Next week's episode looks amazing.

In the interest of finally learning how to drive, I finally completed today the godawful four-hour drug and alcohol course that I initially gave up on four years ago. At that time, it was part of the inspiration for my second Community script, 4x05.5 Waiting With the Web.

See Gussie below re: Kinja

I just took a stab at using the disqus API and it appears that without actually working at the AV Club I might lack the permissions required to scrape our comments in an aboveboard manner.

It'd be nice if they would give us fair warning with a newswire instead of letting us scrounge for news in industry trades.

I just read the Spoiler Space (the only review I've found that doesn't play coy with the ending) and wowza. Just when you thought they couldn't misguidedly add another sensitive topic to the premise…

That's not true! I saw him in possibly the weirdest movie tie-in I've ever seen (and that includes the Lorax shilling for Mazdas): it was Gru and his white-clad twin (?) brother entreating you to use the gene-tracking services of 23andMe. I suppose they thought it was clever because the company and the film both end