
The blob is also a lot like Hannibal the man in that its evil is clothed in a seductive baroque beauty which lesser monsters cannot achieve.

I'm watching the final arc of Car Boys and the time-manipulated cowbells in episode 36 sound uncannily like the Hannibal soundtrack.

I think it's mostly echoes of Josh Trank being removed from [Unspecified SW Anthology Film] after the debacle of Fant4stic. The precedent of 'guy makes shitty film and is removed from SW' exists so that narrative is in people's minds. Two years on it's easy to forget that that was definitely more because of the

The decision to split the plot into two sets of two-handers (Shadow + Wednesday and Laura + Mad Sweeney) was a good one. I had wondered how they were going to expand on (or, to take an uncharitable view, pad out) the book to fill several seasons of television, and this is a fun way to go about doing that. Certainly

I helped my neighbors move yesterday and now every part of my back hurts. Is this what old people feel like all the time?

The directors are like poetry, they rhyme.

I should probably have been reading all of these in an incognito tab because now Google thinks I'm genuinely interested in this garbage fire. Truly, recognizing irony is the next great frontier in ad services.

At least TCW is a really good show. There are some arcs that might deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the OT films as being the very best Star Wars stories.

Perhaps the hackiest detail revealed in this review is that their shorthand for kid genius is him calling his stock broker. Nobody under the age of 60 has a stock broker. How long have the fucking etrade baby commercials been around? At least update your notions of precocity for the 21st century you hacks.

Is it too late to get this fucker off of Episode 9?

If it's truly that bad, probably when the film comes out.

The failing NYT comparing me to Saturday Night Fever, wrong as always. John Travolta has FAKE HAIR - not like mine!

So Trump's definitely gonna fire Mueller now.

I went to the AVCAD and announced my status as potential future refugee and they seemed nice. It moves hella fast there tho.

"Representatives for Dylan, the Nobel Prize committee and SparkNotes did not immediately reply to a request for comment."

Each got a whole level in LMS1, so it's not exactly surprising that they're absent here, since the main focus is on new things. Though it'll be weird if they're not in the game at all.

If Miller's tweets are true they probably sanded it down significantly in the editing room.

I think the first Cars is actually a pretty good movie whose only flaws are being 20 minutes too long and containing Larry the Cable Guy.

Cars 3 is provoking the lukewarmest critical reaction to a Pixar movie since Cars

It really is though.