
Wonder Woman made more in its second weekend than BvS or Suicide Squad did in theirs despite opening lower. If only WB had realized sooner that when you make an enjoyable movie, people still want to see it once word of mouth gets out.

Thoughts while catching up on Doctor Who: It would be a really interesting way to do a regeneration if you had something like the Bill Shoots The Doctor scene from last week that wasn't a fakeout. Like, there's a really incredibly dire problem and the only solution is blocked by some aspect of the current Doctor's

My parents were cord cutters before it was cool. Actually they were cord never-havers. We have a giant 1950s-ass TV antenna sticking out of our roof to get the broadcast networks. We pay something like $40-50/month for AT&T U-Verse internet (which does come through the phone lines but it's still decent - ~20mbps

For real though if they wanted to capture the energy of 21 Jump Street which was clearly a goal, they should've gone all-out and made it a Baywatch: Nights adaptation, where they have to like…

Wonder Woman is very much just Thor meets Captain America. There are worse things to be. My favorite scene, because it existed apart from the origin story parts and was just a nice little character interaction, was the exchange on the boat about marriage, which apparently was almost entirely improvised by Pine and


They're little donut-shaped conglomerations of cereal held together by some sort of frostingy mortar. They looked… pretty gross honestly.

Live by the listicle, die by the listicle.

Do you know how many personalitiless news aggregators scrape out a living in the crevasses of facebook's bloated folds? Most people don't even think about sites as sites any more. It's all about individual pieces of content getting clicked upon by mindless social media hordes who are heedless of what they're even

Nah it'd just kill the comment system/community. The site would live on as a shambolic fluff-producing shell of its former self.


Well that's certainly better than the godawful teaser poster. Wakanda looks pretty great, the action looks badass. The whole El Dorado comparison is a bit torturous though.

The Death Star is a 12 hour build at worst. The author must be a rank amateur.

Pee Tape 2020!

Surely a true japanophile would know karate instead.

Biggest takeaway from the Comey hearing: somebody needs to make sure John McCain isn't skipping his pills.

There's only five months until it comes out! I assume these will not (cannot) be shots with difficult VFX if they're going to be completed by November. Perhaps it'll be a 45-minute subplot about Aquaman's skin chafing when on land.