
After looking it up after the purchase I read that 'Excession's complexity and frequent use of in-jokes make it advisable for new readers of Banks' Culture stories to start with other books' so I guess I'm jumping into the deep end.

New York Stuff Dump:

Also it implies he ever had a mentia that could be de'd.

I feel like Oblivion got a bum rap just because Edge of Tomorrow came out the next year and was so much better. Oblivion's still pretty good! It's very stylish and well-designed! You can't just lump it in with Rock of Ages like that!

In some ways the fact that Paul Ryan was and is considered the 'intellectual policy wonk' of the GOP caucus is even more damning than the fact that they nominated/continue to support Trump.

Lol only Trump could get mad at Sessions for advocating a less-racist version of a policy and having too much integrity about an investigation.

The third production we saw was The Play That Goes Wrong, which is the funniest thing I've ever seen live. Theatrical comedies typically require at least a bit of runway - we need to know who these characters are to start laughing at jokes at their expense, and we need to infer the relationships between them to get

is it teal and orange enough tho?

What happens to actors as they age? To actresses? Present Laughter and Sunset Boulevard are both enjoying limited engagements on Broadway with serious A-listers in the lead roles. Both Garry Essendine and Norma Desmond were born in 1899 (at least in the original conceptions of each story). As of the updated Present

I was eating a jianbing (Chinese crepe sandwich) at a pop-up location and the lady from CCTV was interviewing the proprietor (the eponymous "Mr. Bing"), who told me the provenance of the lady and her iPhone-toting cameraman while she was busy interviewing another customer. Shortly thereafter I was briefly interviewed

I posted about it a month ago, seeking recommendations! It's a family trip to celebrate my graduation from college. We're here for two more days.

I was broadcast eating lunch on a China Central TV internet livestream today. So, normal day in New York I guess.

Pretty sure his understanding of climate issues consists of a half-remembered Woodsy Owl PSA.

Jesus fucking Christ, buy some more goddamn servers, Lego.

In 2D design they should make you design a font and then write a paper in it.

Pretty sure this poster is better than the movie will be.

Is your social worker inside of that horse Academy Award-winning actor?

He also pulled out of TPP, that was a campaign promise kept. Pulling out seems to be his only move. (Very tempted to make a very tasteless 'pulling out' joke about Eric atm)

Who knew Joseph Gordon-Levitt was in Trump's inner circle?

The Hobbit for sure. It's short and light and fun. LOTR is great but it's a serious time investment.