
fwiw I don't see him winning the Democratic primary. He has very little in the way of personal charisma, and when he tries to do politics talk it sounds like focus-grouped pap. He doesn't seem like a figure who'd be able to rally the Democratic base. Fucking up the EC with an independent bid seems within the realm of

You should know from the first three words of that question that the answer is 'no'.

It's better than Iron Man 3, in other words? I'm there!

I think Spicey is just auditioning to play himself on SNL next season at this point.

It has a ring to it! Even though it doesn't make much phonetic sense for the 'e's to make different sounds within the same word.

fwiw I first read it as "cov-FI-fay"

We got a sad little rain today.

It's nearly 1AM. My theory is he was in the middle of his nightly 4 hours of fitful slumber and he sleep-tweeted without ever reaching his normal semi-conscious state.

And the thing is it's only his own incompetence that could make him this miserable. I don't think he'd lose any sleep over a legitimate outside crisis like a natural disaster or a war because he doesn't care about anyone outside his orbit, but the fact that it's all these self-inflicted wounds swirling around him and

5. In which movie did Nicole Kidman urinate on Zac Efron?

I agree with the second sentence but only because the odds of removal from office (i.e. impeachment followed by conviction) are so low due to the high bar in the Senate. The actuarial tables are not on our side here, especially now that he probably has a real doctor instead of Harold Bornstein, Gastroenterologist

He already looks like a pile of Hefty bags filled with chunky pumpkin salsa, I can't imagine him ever looking much worse.

For this reason I tend to think the Presidential aging effect is overblown tbh. Eight years is a long time and most Presidents are going through late middle age during that time - it's hard to find people who can go from their 40s to their 50s or their 50s to their 60s without showing it on their faces, regardless of

He legit might not know that it's possible.

See I thought he was getting tubbier. Dude's at least on track to set several presidential records. Older than Reagan, less eloquent than W, corrupter than Nixon, and soon fatter than Taft!

Yeah I'm still deeply confused about how that's gonna work. Of course I'm deeply confused in general about why people are so eager to see rote remakes of every Disney Renaissance film so perhaps the whole thing will remain a mystery to me forever.

Yeah that's pretty much been the lesson of the past year decade century forever.

I think the closest the pop culture discourse came to discussing CG-heavy blockbusters as truly animated films was Avatar (I recall there was even some discussion as to whether it should/could be nominated for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars) but since then it seems to have slipped everyone's mind.