
Continued watching Car Boys. Farewell Busto 1.0, and may flights of angels sing thee to the Sun Chips Place. I also continued to mess around with the actual BeamNG, downloading some of the maps they used in earlier episodes. Insane Testing Ground is very good fun.

Rocket is one of the few animated characters in a live-action context where I'm not conscious of him being animated at all while watching. Like it didn't hit me until long after the film was over that the 'you got any tape?' scene was entirely animated.

Something that's gone underreported is that the film is cheap cheap cheap by modern superhero standards, at $120M. That's less than half of BvS's budget, and only 2/3rds of Suicide Squad's. That might contribute to a lack of marketing saturation as a general rule of thumb is that the studio's marketing budget for a

So it turns out it was Amy Sedaris in Steven Universe, not Holly Hunter. And she got to do the fun thing where one VA does two different versions of a gem!

It's an oooolllld show by Podcast standards so I recommend basically working backwards as it's grown quite a lot since the early days, when it was just a 7-minute segment from a local NPR station that somebody put online.

If you can tolerate a certain amount of NPR-iness, 99% Invisible is often very interesting.

I have purchased BeamNG.drive. I have crashed many cars but only destroyed the universe once or twice.

Lol it's gonna take way more than a year for the crowds to die down when Star Wars Land opens. It took like 5 years for Soarin' to stop having two hour lines every day, and that ride is about freakin hang gliding.

Given the poor reception for The Circle I'm surprised they were able to move forward with the Basic Shapes Cinematic Universe so quickly, and with an acclaimed screenplay!

My #1 is the same

To be fair Bill Nighy appears in shit films all the time, and at least the Pirates sequels allowed him to cut loose and create a really weird idiosyncratic performance (unlike, say, I, Frankenstein).

That's for the four-day.

Pirates is only bombing relative to its utterly insane budget. $60M for the three-day is an okay-to-slightly-disappointing opening for a movie like that.

Relevant sidenote: I would like to thank everyone here who kept mentioning Car Boys because I binge-watched the first like 16 episodes today and I love it. Also I sorta want to buy BeamNG.drive now.

I know it seems like conspiracy-mongering, but at a certain point you do sort of have to entertain the notion that there really was collusion.

Merkel had to explain to him how the EU works ELEVEN TIMES and he still doesn't get it. Nothing will ever enter that blobby lump of flesh he calls a head.

I've listened to it like five times but I still can't figure out whether the new voice actor in the latest Steven Universe promo is Amy Sedaris or Holly Hunter.

The friends called long-time Taylor pal Lorde to perform an incantation that might yank the pop star back to this mortal plane, but were disheartened to learn that Lorde is not actually a witch.

It's good to remember that