
Currently it is, but with little election day vote counted. I'm just following Lloyd's Razor.

Say 'hi' to Congressman Bodyslam everyone!

As for 'how did he do', the only other person to complete all six obstacles was literally the World's Greatest Athlete (the Rio Decathlon gold medal winner). They nerfed them for the celebs of course but it seemed like he would've made a pretty good showing on the real deal.

It was pretty great, they had been doing the whole thing on a City Finals course the whole time, the second half of which always starts with a Salmon Ladder, but they had never shown it. Everyone else had only been presented with the option to go as far as the sixth obstacle but they let him continue on to the seventh.

Actually it looks like they might bring one out especially for him!

Stephen Amell is about to go on Celebrity American Ninja Warrior but, perversely, the course has no Salmon Ladder.

To be clear the stay of the ban is what's staying put.

He probably lies to his tailor about his height and weight just like he did to Dr. Oz. "I'm 6'3", 236 pounds, believe me." "Can we take a measurement though Mr. Trump?" "NO"

They look like sad little turkey sausages.

When I think Nancy Pelosi, I think 'folk-singing Bernie supporter in a cowboy hat'. But that might be because I'm having a strok,/.2342/3333333333333333

It's nice of Marvel to provide Chinese bootleggers with ready-made DVD covers.

Meanwhile Melania looks like she's realizing she took one too many opioids.

This past episode was the first time that the material covered was subjectively completely new to me - I didn't remember anything from the book about Laura coming back. What I have from that reading some 7 years ago is tons and tons of images but little notion of plot, so what that tells me is that Gaiman never

Well if you don't like Ian McShane's performance I don't know what to tell you.

Did you even get to the Alligator Bar?

I'm down to discuss American Gods if anyone else is.

Chuck's extended explication of twitter's Frankenstein-based abbreviations may be my favorite joke of the season.

That's because it did. It premiered less than a month ago!

I missed the first two episodes because I forgot they were airing and came in on the third ("Chuck Pierce Is Blind"), which sold me on the show. So I'd suggest trying that one.