
I feel like Mike Huckabee fucking hamburgers is sort of a thing, and if it isn't it should be.

I graduated from college today, and also tied a tie for the first time without resorting to a video tutorial. So big milestones all around.

3 is correct by my reckoning, but 2 is not.

Futurama, Rick & Morty. I'm all about that animated sci-fi.

Those aren't the ones I had in mind but sometimes there's more than one answer. What's your reasoning?

You can make a nice little math sequence puzzle starting with these numbers actually.

It's the indeterminate light source that does it. It looks like he wandered into a "Pirate-ize Yourself!" photobooth while wandering around Disneyland.


I should mention that we're staying right near Time Square so ideally restaurants in that immediate area will be most convenient.

I am into stuff! And I guess art too.

To celebrate my graduation from college, we're taking a family trip to NYC from June 1 to 5. This will be the first time I've visited the city as an adult, and the first time it's been more than a day trip. I have a few set itinerary items (touristy shit like going up in the Empire State Building, #onbrand shit like

I think this is the first round of upfronts where the networks have really internalized that ratings don't matter.

I just wanted him to go as hard as he did on Cruz just a couple weeks prior. There was no "…and no gay marriage" moment in the Trump interview.

Together these imply the Trump Projection Corollary, "Over time, the set of Trump actions and the set of Trump accusations are homeomorphic"

"As the time after a pernicious Trump action increases, the probability that he will accuse someone else of that same action approaches 1."

Wow I missed in the avalanche of renewals yesterday that NBC had re-upped Great News. Come on Mr. Greenblatt, make it a hat trick and renew Trial & Error too!

By the First Law of Trump Projection ("Every Trump accusation has an equal and opposite Trump action"), this means that there are definitely secret tapes out there that he doesn't want released.

In late summer 2015. It was a bad interview on Stephen's part.

How tho.