
First you must make the Choice of the Ancients that we may know your soul:

Speed or Die Hard?

Maybe having Mallory Jansen on your show is always good for one freak renewal from ABC?

1) Holy shit, with those ratings??? Truly this is a brave new world

A year and three days ago, Minnie showed up in our yard. Exactly a year ago, she first overcame her trepidation and started to come near us. She was about the size of my foot, no more than a couple months old.

Yup. Servos are completely fungible. I'm pretty sure there were similar switcheroos throughout the original run as well.

I like the theory that Tom is just one of the dozens of Toms that were lying around that they forgot to pack up when the SOL crashed, and Crow is time duplicate who got left in the Wisconsin cheese factory from Mike's past during Time Chasers.

One of them wasn't even a steep incline, it was just a sidewalk ramp.

They're also very tasty.

My and everyone else's grandmas will be so disappointed.

Normally I think "it's not the crime, it's the coverup" is a dumb saying but in this case it's difficult to imagine what could've actually occurred during the campaign that would be more politically damaging than the speculation caused by all these actions.

Come on guys, 2) is obviously Teen Witch


He's going Full Nixon, years ahead of schedule!

Details are here. It looks like they're trying to fix the issue but aren't succeeding (it will now mostly redirect to the homepage rather than the press release page).

The cyber is very tough, it's so tough, believe me, and I've even heard many people saying that you can change the, you know the bing bing bong boop in the… at the top of the screen, you know what I'm talking about folks, you can, on my website, change the you are ell is what Baron calls it, he's so good with the

Is reality TV not just a documentary of the banal? Crossed with a game show sometimes I guess? I'm not sure that trying to suss out when and where 'innovations' occurred in the media landscape is a productive notion. What innovations have been produced by film that were not learned from theater or literature or visual

Well it only took Shaker four years but AVC finally got the hottest new site feature of 2006 and implemented Google Custom Search instead of that horrid shitpile they used to have.

The phrasing is "over its first 50 years", not "over the last 50 years" - so roughly 1945 to 1995