
Russel Crowe in an Eyepatch: "I'm here to talk to you about the Prodigium Initiative"

Baby Driver? Valerian? Dunkirk? None of these intrigue you?

They've locked down Javier Bardem as the Monster but I think the role of Frankenstein himself is up for grabs, so maybe you'll be right!

Seriously, in a cruel joke kind of way.

Edge of the Day After Tomorrow is Another Day of the War for the Planet of the Apes under the Prepositions

I can answer the second question! Russell Crowe is playing Dr. Jekyll!

The first time I saw it I was disappointed that they 'wasted' The Chain on just a scene of Peter and co. getting into the space egg, so I was very pleased when it came back during the climax.

We have them. The French polls missed the actual margin by 7 ppts. The American polls missed Clinton's margin by 1-2 ppts. It's just that the Electoral College is fucking idiotic.

The polls underestimated the size of his win by 7 points. Can we stop worrying about hidden nationalist voting blocs now? They don't feel the need to hide any more, if they ever did.

You promised me Kung-fu Bob and all I get is a lousy Kung-fu George?

A-?????? This is Perkins' most wtf grade all season.

Hey yeah, he should've Rose Quartz'd it.

That's adorable.

She wasn't a zombie at the time :(

Yondu figured out Ego was killing the kids and I guess coincidentally Peter was the first one he was meant to get after he had that realization. A flashback might have helped sell that better. Same with the Gamora/Nebula relationship. But Marvel films in general are surprisingly studious about avoiding flashbacks

Imo the ranking goes

I assume most of the 'unrealistic psychological development' examples you cite are about Nebula. I think they were going for her being unhinged and being torn in two different directions w/r/t her relationship with Gamora, but when the character is only in the movie for half an hour it just comes across as random

She did that in the first movie too after Drax shot her with a bazooka.

Apparently the young Kurt Russell was a blend of extensive makeup, digital touching-up, and a body double. The wig did a lot of the work.

So on a second viewing I think that Ego was telling the truth. Peter really was the first child to have the Celestial genes and he really did want to share the galaxy with him. I was trying to be two steps ahead of the movie but it wasn't playing that kind of game at that point.