
It was released on the CN app all at once yesterday.

The third one I was counting was the dead one who formed Knowhere.

An addendum to my theory was that the other kids weren't able to tap into their powers as fully because Ego always killed them/used them up when they were still young. Peter was different because he reached maturity.
Even then it seemed like he might not have Ego's full powers if he went away from the core of the

Holy shit that Stevenbomb ending

I fail to see why the FCC could object to the innocent suggestion that Vladimir Putin's pet chicken find a cozy home inside Donald Trump's mouth.

For anyone who's seen Guardians 2, my sister and I were having a debate about a certain plot point:

Drax: Dude, my life is a gratuitous shirtless scene!

In terms of box office success, probably. In terms of premise/style it looked very Deadpool to me - self-aware, 'wacky', cartoonish violence rendered with serious special effects (rather than the literally cartoonish CGI of RIPD).

I'm opposed to hats, because sometimes you look at someone and get freaked out because you think they have a weird-shaped head, but then you realize nope! It's just a hat.

Lol he's not the villain I'm referring to. His best moment is Rocket making fun of his name.

Zemo is an interesting idea for a character and he does yeoman's work making Civil War work as a story but I don't know how good a villain he is, per se. He's not very memorable or flamboyant and he gets barely any screen time. He's far better than the leaden lumps o' badguy in, e.g. Thor 2 or the first Guardians but

GotG Vol. 2 is Marvel's prettiest film by far, and possibly their funniest as well. Its sense of humor extends far beyond the surface-level 'house style' quippiness that gets sprinkled liberally on a film like Doctor Strange, seeping instead into every aspect of the storytelling. Witness the several-minute sequence in

He just said "I'm gonna be cheering during this movie, I'm a cheerer". Maybe time to look for new seats.

Oh my goddd there's this guy in the row behind me in the theater for Guardians who keeps spouting off all the internet's most banal opinions about superhero movies verbatim to the clearly uninterested guy next to him.

Because it's impossible to pick up the votes of people who are purely evil with a bill that doesn't quite match their malice, but it is possible to pick up the votes of gutless cowards with a bill that's purely evil.

They're called in the House but tried in the Senate.

Lol good luck getting that pile of shit through the Senate.

He pops!

Wow, the Inhumans costumes look so cheap. My expectations for this show are dropping by the day and they weren't that high to begin with…