
They're pretty much exclusively run in programming blocks aimed at kids so that makes sense. I think the only time I've seen one since I stopped watching Saturday morning cartoons on the CW is during American Ninja Warrior.

For years their ads have been very similar in style to the brief vignettes in Rejected.

Willem Defoe and Derek Jacobi star as Dapper Al Franken and Mustachioed Jeff Sessions in "Congressional Hearings on the Orient Express"

"Old Man Yells At Cloud" is more reasonable outrage than that #CancelColbert outrage was. At least people are engaging this joke at something approaching face value rather than just looking at a satire of racism and screaming 'racism!'

It's people willfully failing to recognize that imagined fellatio between two world leaders is ultimately a joke about power dynamics, not 'lol gayz r dum'.

Your Twin Peaks one suggests the harder subproblem of describing a show with a single preposition. I wonder if there even are any others that would seem as apropos as that one.

No no no, come on. Care Bears is about feet.

Rick and Morty: Relative
Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated: Mythopoeia
Person of Interest: Relevance
CSI: Cyber: Juicejacking

I'm thinking morality.

Wow, that was unexpected.

"I always travel with my son" - so well-delivered I didn't even notice the foreshadowing about Shadow's heritage until someone else pointed it out online.

I think Fuller just wanted to see if he could use the arrow scene to top this guy for 'puncture wounds per square inch on television' and then that just set the bar so high the rest of it had to be ridiculous. I was with it all the way up until the severed arm flying outside the letterbox frame to make a 3D effect but

The pilot had a ton of ground to cover and it didn't all quite hang together as a unit, but I also don't think there was anything to be gained by stretching that part of the story out over more of the season. If my guess is right based on the reviews we'll be seeing a historical prologue and a "Somewhere in America"

Openload is the new best semi-sketchy streaming service.

Somebody compared Trump to Jackson in his earshot in the past few weeks and he liked it and now he's never going to let it go.

ESPN pays $2 billion for men’s college football and basketball, $1.9 billion for the NFL, $1.4 billion for the NBA, and $700 for baseball.

I doubt she's growing her base much so the recent poll movement towards her probably reflects that abstention to the extent it exists. But you'd need fully 1/3rd of people currently polling for Macron to stay home to swing the election that way. I wouldn't be surprised if she does beat her polls but there's a huge

She's still 20 points down in the polls. She could overperform them as much as Trump and Brexit combined and still lose.