
Perhaps, but in this case the shortened version and the longer version came about at the same time, from the same milieu, and with much the same meaning, both derived from an older semi-obscure word, the invocation of which as origin would be more illuminating to someone unfamiliar with the neologisms than associating

I'm familiar with the term and its usage, but saying "as in cuckservative" implies that that's the etymological origin, rather than itself being a neologistic portmanteau with pretty much the exact same meaning. If the goal of the quoted official was to enlighten the interviewer as to "cuck"'s origins, he would have

Bannon owns part of the syndication rights, somehow, from a weird event in his amoral wanderings through history. He's like an evil Forrest Gump.

Also by his grain alcohol.

Just as soon as he's done reorganizing the federal government to be more efficient!

He actually said ‘cuck,’ as in “cuckservative,’” the administration official told The Daily Beast.

See if you can make the sun come up tomorrow, I'll need the light to get to school.

Turns out the federal government doesn't run like a small family business (which is all the Trump Organization ever really was) no matter how many jobs you try to give to Jared Kushner.

I see the Inhumans are joining up with their greatest ally, Tax Incentives.

Hah, you know it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he has never read a word of that book.

100 episodes ain't the benchmark it used to be. Many shows are syndicated with just 80 or so. AoS is already in syndication in many markets with just three seasons in the can.

They used Strucker's dumb kid last season, Strucker himself was killed in AoU, Red Skull got tesseracted to parts unknown, Viper probably has rights issues because she was used in The Wolverine, Zemo was reinterpreted as the villain of Civil War, Zola's computer brain got blown up in Winter Soldier… but you have a


Incompetence is really running up the score against Evil!

Unfortunately McDonalds has not been partnered with Disney since 2006, so the live-action Mulan remake will not be incentive to bring the sauce back.

Yeah it's becoming pretty clear that if all you have in Washington is Trump's ear, you don't have shit.

I think it's definitely the intention. This whole Framework arc is basically a requiem for the show, exploring how its events have affected both the characters and the world. My guess is we'll get loads of fanservice for the next four episodes and then a two-hour finale that ties up loose ends in the real world.

I still have seen no evidence that this so-called "Freeform" actually exists.

CSI: Cyber could be, by turns, all of those things. It contained multitudes of stupidity.