
Oh man, I just looked it up and it's basically a lost episode of CSI: Cyber.

It would've been a Very Foolish Decision if Netflix adapted the first nine books and then stopped, so this is good to hear.

Yeah, it came back tonight.

It was in 2008.

I think splitting the season up into 3 'pods' of episodes really helped the overall pacing and prevented there from ever being a lesser episode. The show was always good at arcs but when they occupied a whole half season you'd occasionally get like a seventh or eighth one that was nothing but connective tissue and

Also his shield, probably. And maybe his head.

Nah without SHIELD around to wake him up he never got out of that plane.

Since the point of divergence for the timeline is in 2008, Cap fits in by still being frozen if he's lucky, or being murdered on sight by HYDRA arctic explorers if he's unlucky. As for Tony, he probably died in ~2011 of metal poisoning without Nick Fury around to point him towards his dad's work on Starkium.

You really do, this final arc is gonna be great. Six hours in the Darkest Timeline!

Agents of Shield goin hard with the topicality.

More like AFV Club

McHale, Oswalt, and Hamill also all worked (or were rumored to work) on MST3K season 11. Coincidence??? Probably.

Maybe when I'm financially independent I'll buy a Blu-ray player and find physical media enticing again, but for now my parents are sticking with DVDs, which look like a tiny blurry mess on our (or any modern) TV.

Thomas Robb, national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, maintains his office near Harrison in the outlying town of Zinc and uses a Harrison mailing address for the organization… In 2013, a billboard appeared that read: "Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White".

It'll be on Netflix in a month.

I'm not familiar with how to fix apple products but if you have a system restore utility I'd recommend trying that, send the system back to an image from before the problem started.

Tomorrow it's gonna rain all afternoon and then get even hotter. It's perverse.

Reddit's April Fools Day Experiment is once again pretty neat - it's basically the Web 2.0 version of the Million Dollar Homepage. Unlike The Button there's no clear exit condition so I wonder how long it's going to go on for. I've occasionally dropped in to help maintain the Steven Universe outpost, the Lego Logo,

Interestingly, disqus freaks the fuck out and refuses to serve up the specific comments if I visit these links from the disqus landing page. It works fine when I click them one-by-one from the AVC page though.