
Yeah but this time the people are racist against the robots.

By the transitive property of ripping people off, yes. But I'd be surprised if the jackasses who wrote the game have even heard of A2A since it clearly apes CAH in all aspects, from its graphic design to its Deadpool-like 'humor'.

This weekend was all about my Dad's 50th birthday. On Friday, we tried to watch our DVD of The Force Awakens, but five minutes in it started bothering me and my sister that everything seemed to fast. We tried putting in the original Star Wars to see if the problem was the DVD itself or the hardware, and it looked too

Didn't you see that shot of Jesus and Sam Whatsisname doing a Tom Cruise run across a lake? It's all up there on the screen, man.

Good, my cynical choice of it for the Simple Draft is vindicated. Though after checking its budget, maybe not that vindicated.

They just referenced The AV Club for the second show in a row!

If there's interest, sure. I'm on Spring break so I could do one some night near the end of the week.

The original standard was <10 Metacritic reviews and two weeks before release but I may relax those on a case-by-case basis. Let me know what you want to pick up and I'll consider it.

Chief among them Kelsey Grammer as Beast, as I recall.

That reminds me I need to update the draft for the end of February. We should start seeing some final-ish point totals for certain films soon. I also need to tabulate the Oscar bonus points.

Pirates of the Caribbean now joins Tron, Star Wars, and the MCU on the pile of Disney properties with creepy CGI-youthened versions of lead actors. Someone at the Mouse House really has a hard-on for this technology and I wonder what they think the endgame for it is, if there is an endgame.

S4 is still Archer's worst overall imo, so picking up beyond that would be an improvement. Vice was divisive but I enjoyed it, S6 was a return to form with the spy stuff, and S7 was another interesting experiment but it didn't really lead anywhere. The upcoming noir season looks great though.

(I think it is a joke)

The only way I see Bannon drinking something as weak as champagne is if he cuts it with rubbing alcohol first.

I guess with Clickhole moving on to weirder pastures, somebody had to take up the mantle of writing scathing parody of Buzzfeed's editorial style ca. 2011. That's what this is, right?

Being a geopolitical patsy doesn't require any great smarts. He could still be complicit even if not a full conspirator. I think it's pretty clear at this point that he has been and still is the target of the easiest psy-ops campaign in history by the Russian government.

See, he was a campaign surrogate when he took the funds, but a Senator when he held the meeting. Isn't ontology fun?

True tales of childhood trauma: I first visited a dentist at age 6, where it turned out I had a cavity. The dentist was really shitty, had no idea how to deal with children and put way too many dental appliances in my mouth at once to the point of discomfort. I found the experience so unpleasant that I was terrified

Yeah that's probably the biggest selling point.