
I can't really put my finger on why but I'm pretty hyped for Kong. I guess it's a bunch of little things. The decision to make it a period piece is fun and different, and it looks like they learned from the mistakes of Godzilla and are going to have plenty of distinct human characters, lots of monster fighting, and a

Le Fou is not a new character, just a newly gay one.

I feel like you make this connection every time Bumpcollege is brought up.

Sadly it appears they exit through the legs (lame) and then climb a rock wall that's vaguely analogous to the tail.

They go in through the mouth. I haven't gotten to the butt yet. Right now they're going through "The Stomach Churn" and the "Digestive Track".

ikr? They should be like having to leap across the backs of alligators and shit. Instead it's just a big metal dragon-looking thing with vaguely organ-themed obstacles inside it. (Sample commentary: "He has to descend through this maze of spinal cords!")

And an even more subsequent Pierce Hawthorne Halloween costume.

The main obstacle course is called "The Beast" and they all talk about beating the Beast and conquering the Best and suchlike. Everyone refers to The Beast as if it was either a known entity in the obstacle course world (the competitors), or a mysterious challenge dropped in the middle of a field by some higher power

Netflix has made a blatant ripoff of American Ninja Warrior called Ultimate Beastmaster.

I always come in through the Disqus page and have no regrets.

Ah, you must be thinking of his evil twin cousin Mondar Wheti. Common mistake.

Maybe that's what was eponymously Taken! An hour of the viewer's life!

What a waste of a show then.

I believe that the link is meant to be the "very particular set of skills", i.e. the show documents how he once employed them.

Just in case Todd and Mr. Peanutbutter accidentally drop the first set into the sewer.

More like PriceWaterhousePoopers

DAMMIT Kimmel made the same joke now I feel dirty

They should never have let Steve Harvey count the votes!

That choice of quote and sudden cut made it look like Prince's father was Kenny Baker.