
Usually there's no Kimmel.

Lloyd and I went with LLL after you wrote yours. Spy technically came closest with "A Period/Fantasy Piece" but none of his smartass answers count.

Nope, we were split between Jackie and La La Land.

Nobody in the pool had Hacksaw Ridge for editing. Is this the first one where we were all wrong? I wasn't able to keep track for the first two hours.

Kitschy Kimmel doesn't know when to end a shtick. Sad!

Hers and the various levels of nanobot-induced alienosis on Idris Elba were the most impressive. Far better than… Killer Croc guy with bad psoriasis.

Stupid choice. Star Trek Beyond was way cooler in that regard. That one alien lady stored a plot thing in her crab head!


Yes, there's a relatively small amount of bonus points available (0.25 per) which contribute the same as any points earned by your picks, plus the relatively substantial 10 point bonus for anyone with a perfect ballot.

Anyone know a good way for me to stream the Oscars? I'm stuck at work until 10.

I'd hope that they have a process a little more formal and discrete than linking a Google Sheets all the time.

I do wonder if that would still be the case if I'd gone to the effort to collect these via secret ballot. I know that in a couple cases I just jumped on the bandwagon because I saw everyone else agreed and had probably given it more thought than me.

I think it's at least partially because he also appeared in a ton of other stuff this year. It fits with the narrative of his sudden ascendance.

I figure it's more interesting if the categories have some variety. It may go down as throwing away half a point when La La Land sweeps everything but hey, now there's more than two outcomes.

Yeah but they're not in the draft!

When I saw it in the theater everyone 'awww'ed just at the momma sandpiper, and then had to 'awww' louder when the baby sandpiper was revealed.

Hey, it worked for our Energy Secretary!

While you count as an actual member as much as any of us do, I will say that the CZ was germinated in the post-season-two hiatus and entered full bloom on RHM in the middle of season 3.

Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television. The Community Board. The CZ. The Big IDNOT. The Fishstick Clearinghouse. Fluffy Town III. All the comments you're seeing belong here.