
Beyond Balderdash > Balderdash

Whoa, I thought I remembered everyone from the DEP era onwards. (RHM I'm fuzzy on).

Did we ever welcome Hesperides? Is it someone old under a new name and I just didn't know it? Or are we just playing it cool now when new people show up to not scare them off?

I was the third SU vote, and the one who gave it my #1. It maintained high quality (give or take "Onion Friend") and also had incredible quantity throughout 2016. 35+ episodes!


Who knew that Bowling Green-style attacks would spread so quickly around the globe?

Posthumous CGI replacement, duh.

This fits the recent pattern Disney has of getting their hooks into someone just as their star is rising in a big way and incorporating them into several different arms of the octopus (cf. Lin-Manuel). Excited to see who Donglover plays in Black Panther 2 in 2021.

it sounds super promising to Disney since The Jungle Book made almost a billion dollars.

Everything is CGI except a very confused-looking Nathan Lane reprising his role as Timon.

And people say there's an unemployment problem. We're all part of the serial-killer-industrial complex!


Soup is better. Abed is better.

It should! And if the designers had actually made it the main set for the line-up it might have been able to. As it is it's the fifth-largest, after the 1500-piece Arkham, the upcoming 1200-piece combined Batmobile/cycle/tank/wing from the end of the movie, the 1000-piece Batcave, and the 900-piece upcoming

That's true, but the Lego version of the Scuttler isn't a 1-for-1 recreation of the one portrayed in the movie (it's a lot smaller), which leaves me cold on it.

The Great Wall projected to open around 15M. I'll be off to a great start on the simple draft.

From a baseline of 15, add one for every position above the median and subtract one for every position below it. E.g., for ranking eight items, do

Press Secretary Sean Spicer was quoted as saying that President Trump “was not on fire,” but rather he was “simply near a fire that followed him around wherever he went.” He then announced that the president had “never been less on fire in his life” and refused to answer any more questions on the incident.

I'll go A-, but keep in mind I'm the easiest of marks when it comes to Lego stuff.