
Tereglith watched The Lego Batman Movie

Not… really. I'm a weirdo who doesn't really listen to music. And this was the year I really got into podcasts so I listened to even less than I have in the past. I can tell you 100 random tidbits I picked up from 99%I episodes but not the names of any singles I heard.

Hey I realized I wrote the movie part of my list before I saw Hidden Figures. Can you stick it in the middle of my list somewhere with 15 points?

I've been meaning to buy that at some point. I still have $15 in my steam wallet, next time it's on sale I'll have to pick it up.

It's all twists from here on out, I'm afraid.

Helen Mirren is officially playing Jason Statham's mom in F8 of the Furious. This movie just keeps getting better. Next I hope it turns out that the Rock is put in a full-body cast and flexes out of the entire thing at once.

Python did not die in vain!

The Atlantis/Atlanta/Donald Glover exchange is a good start.

I just got back from The Lego Batman Movie and man, Powerless is gonna have to get about 10x funnier if it wants to be anywhere near the same tier of DC-based comedy.

Season 4 Pierce maybe.

Shit I forgot about Agent Carter.

May to June!

I'm curious about all these other nuclear holocausts Trump is on about. Did he catch the opening of Terminator 2 on cable and think it was a documentary?

The president said he wasn't "ranting and raving" even as he ranted and raved. "Drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars," he said, without specifying what drug or what candy bar.

I object, there are peafowl all over Florida and we are very American (not in a good way, but still).

Sent. I was gonna finally get around to digging up streams of Atlanta before I finished the list but it will have to be Atlanta-less. I assume the rest of you guys will be able to pick up the slack.

Now about "The Boys"…

Is it as special as Glee's school shooting episode?

If The Wolverine is a hit you can bet your ass WB/DC will be scrambling to greenlight an R-rated DC film.