
"We're gonna have one and a half states, it'll be great. Why did nobody think of that before? I'm a good businessman, I'm so good at deals, this is a deal that's between the other two deals, it's gonna work bigly!"

But he was also pro-robots working in his fast food empire. Truly, a man of complexity and contradictions all aimed at screwing over laborers.

Puzder has withdrawn from consideration for Labor Secretary. So at least Trump won't get 100% of the supervillains he initially wanted in his cabinet.

I can't do Mondays because I work 7-10 and people have usually actually been coming in this semester.

Yeah, movies often get special IMAX posters like that.

He was in fact the first to drop out, so maybe your predictions are either right or as wrong as they possibly can be. Which would mean that Trump will end up with tapes of all of us peeing.

My comment was not a complaint. I am very excited for Ape-ocalypse Now.

The people in charge of advertising Kong: Skull Island would really like you to know that Kong swats helicopters out of the sky, frequently and with gusto.

If they believed he'd done any of this stuff they wouldn't support him. The problem is that they're siloed into such little wingnut media bubbles that nothing gets through to them as being actual factual misconduct. It's not "Trump is embroiled with the Russians but I support him anyway", it's "the media sucks because

I'm down. (Whatever happened to the Alex Trebek one from your cruise?)

I was on the fence until I saw it has R in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition. I'm in a class that uses R right now! It's kismet!

This past week I went through pages ~270 - 394 of Infinite Jest, including the two longest endnotes (one of which is 12 pages!). Right now I'm in the description of Mario's puppet film dramatizing the creation of O.N.A.N. under President Johnny Gentle, and it has some freaky-ass parallels to our present situation.

I haven't finished Luke Cage either, after watching the first episode at 3 am when it came out! I think I stopped after Diamondback kicked Luke into a garbage truck. I need to finish that season at some point before Iron Fist comes out.

I've seen that face before, usually on babies who just pooped.


Where were you the night they drove old Dixie down?

98 with 3 errors

Having recently read through the For a Few Paintballs More thread, I now doubt my own existence.

How do we know that you're not him and all these posts you've been making are the equivalent of Hannibal's dry cannibalism puns on Habbinal?