
Fox News Graphics Department Intern #1: "What's another thing Baghdadi's done that's awful? Chemical weapons? Do we have that yet?"

FNGDI#2: "No, but…"

FNGDI#1: "What do you mean but?"

FNGDI#2: "They have to be things Bannon hasn't done."

FNGDI#1: "…"

FNGDI#2: "We could specify 'on Kurds'!"

It feels like the whole country has a fever and it's either going to break (which I guess would be impeachment or resignation) or we're all gonna die.

I love it. There was a piece on Politico the day of the So You Think You Can SCOTUS premiere about how any conservative jurist Trump might choose would eventually disappoint due to having a consistent and limiting view on the latitude of Presidential power, but I never imagined that the mutual disappointment would

Well I mean it's good for rich people and big corporations, which makes certain overall indicators (stock market, strength of dollar, GDP) go up, even if ones that matter to most people (real household income, eg.) are stagnant. KS and LA don't have stock exchanges or that many big corporations and wealthy people so

Yup, GOP economic policy (for which Trump will be an ignorant vessel) is like, "I removed the brakes from my car and put in a turbocharger. I'll definitely reach a new top speed now!" It's not technically incorrect in the short term, but it's not good for long-term maintenance.

Is Fishburne the hobo king?

I haven't been paying attention to network ratings since Community got cancelled and I'm always shocked when I read something about how low they've gotten in aggregate. A 2.5 in the demo is enough to beat literally everything on the networks except BBT? That's kinda nuts.

To be fair, all textures feel coarser in comparison to centimeter-long fingers.

I guess I just don't see any possible benefit worth spending a couple hours in a room with Ted Cruz for.

"It sure is easy to believe everything I hear about the practices of the dishonest media that I never watch!" - Trump voters

Any platform that says social media will fill the void when they remove a dedicated discussion space either a) has never once looked at a facebook comments section or b) disdains their entire user base with a contempt normally reserved for rancid dogshit and House Republicans.

Even dumber than CSI: Cyber!?!?!?!

It'll make a nice companion for Love That Police State! APB

Also, not gonna lie, I enjoyed that Pirates 5 spot. It looks nuts in a good way, like the 2nd and 3rd movies, not in a dull way like the 4th.

That was the most disappointing part for me. At least I got Vin Diesel hiding his car from a missile by driving behind the conning tower of a nuclear sub.

The fractional fuck I gave about this Super Bowl is enough to deter me from ever giving so much as a millifuck ever again.

It's true, I haven't.

The Pats have to get another touchdown with a successful 2-pt conversion inside of 4 minutes without the Falcons scoring again just to get it into OT. I think it'll turn out okay.