
The Falcons can still win Arizona! And the returns from Alaska aren't in yet!

El arroyo de Fox Sports Go paró, entonces cambié al arroyo de Fox Deportes.

"Prime Air is not available in some states (or any really)."

You need to have some intelligence to receive intelligence.

I would too if I had to eat lunch with Mike Pence.

Probably means that my wish for a speedily-produced second season of ASOUE coming out on the Friday 13th in October won't come to pass, sadly.

I like giant spoopy spiders.

What a shitshow

How symbolic if true.

Stranger Things!!!!

Johnson is taking the Space Western notion TOO FAR

The Mr. Clean commercial was deeply disturbing and I wish never to think of it again.

I've actually only seen 7. I need to get around to seeing at least 5 and 6.

I like all the people with the glowy things surrounding the stage. Like if the Beijing '08 opening ceremonies were a rave.

Yes, glowy ones. It's the Captain Eo influence at work I tell ya. (Captain Eo invented the Borg).

Also this whole setup has sort of a Captain Eo vibe to it.

Oh wow Lady Gaga's doing the drone thing like they have at Disney.

I enjoy Legion's levitating baby and would like to know more.