
Feelin' pretty good about my F8 Blockbuster pic in the Movie Draft.

The Patriots are gonna win the electoral college.

Then he melted them down and used them to bronze his hair!

How are we supposed to believe that Bumblebee looks like F. Murray Abraham when he grows old? They don't have the same skin tone at all!

Ayyy I choose to interpret HW being willing to come to this as delayed-action shade thrown at Trump.

Hmph. Hopefully someone will upload video stealthily enough that the NFL doesn't take it down instantly.

Dammit, did I miss the Schuyler Sisters?

Quick, find Kitty Pryde!

Che has been resorting to a lot of lazy devil's advocate bullshit since Trump's inauguration.

I'm not opposed to iced coffee but I'd never pay for one because I feel like I'm spending $3 on a cup of 75% ice.

So what you're saying here is we have to find a way to infect Steve Bannon with AIDS?

See also: Wolf Blitzer

Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer is the greatest stunt casting since Larry David as Bernie Sanders.

I know we've milked the 'last SNL ever' thing before, but there's a nonzero chance Trump will nuke 30 Rock next week during the Alec Baldwin episode so this one might be the last! Join the liveblog!

Same. Hot beverages that are not hot cocoa hold no appeal for me.

If you don't count Annie's Boobs.

I didn't not believe it. It seems safest to assume that anyone Trump nominates for anything is a supervillain until proven otherwise.

It turns out that Gorsuch did not actually found a "Fascism Forever Club" at his high school, it was just a joke in the yearbook. So he's still guilty of having a shitty sense of humor.

You're probably on track to earn 24 or so points for it.