
Still the squid picture. It's been that way for 8 years and I'm not changing it any time soon.

I saw it after it was deleted and tried to join but it was already gone.

I'm sure the children who lost their homes loved that play-doh.

Trump could find some ways to get good press, like donating a bunch of food/supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims.

Only if Congress goaded him into having illegal business dealings with who knows how many mafias.

Something something emoluments clause.

From The Atlantic's March cover story:

"well-liked" means that he goes to the Senate gym a lot and they all hang out there and pal around. Swamp = drained.

I just noticed an unusual number of conspicuous mustaches.

I'm sure she could smother him with a pillow, if only they were going to be sharing a bed any time in the next four years.

Whatever happened to her fighting cyber-bullying?

Are you sure they're not airing a rerun of Zoo by mistake?

Very disappointed that for all the obscure characters that got made into minifigures for the Lego Batman product line, none of them was Ambush Bug.

"Prepare to feel my powerful balls!…. of fire"

"It's not very strong against regular things either."

"You know how everyone wants to have sex with robots, right?"

I haven't laughed very much but it's agreeable at least. I feel like this is the type of show whose pilot has a really high degree of difficulty. I'll give it a few more weeks to find itself.

"Superheroes fighting one another for vaguely defined reasons"

I feel like they basically told him "be Abed, but less so".