
O hai Abed

O hai Starro

Only in the electoral college.

2017 Movie Draft Update: February Edition!


lol he actually called it the "Fascism forever club"? I guess the artless ham-fisted satire our world has become is leaching back into the past now.

One puppet master can only win out if none of the others (or Trump himself) care about that issue. So for example the Heritage Foundation was able to slip a preferred SCOTUS nominee in since Trump, Bannon, and Putin all couldn't give less of a shit about American jurisprudence.

They're my favorite of the socks I own (I got a pack of 6 pair all in different colors) and I haven't been able to find them again after the initial purchase at some clearance store.

Because it hasn't aired yet. Check back on Friday (or late Thursday night if they're speedy about it).

When I did that in 2012 it was a pilot for a Craig-Ferguson-hosted game show based on that app that rips off Pictionary. It had Joel McHale as one of the celebrity guests.

Oh so they wanted their own Carmichael Show

His Lex Luthor is quickly burning through whatever affection the internet used to have for him.

Jon Stewart wearing a six foot long necktie and a weasel around his head isn't helping me figure out which of these possibilities is the case.

Is CBS actually making a new show called "Superior Donuts" that I never read about at any point during the upfronts process of am I having a stroke while watching Colbert?

The Koenigs are back!

I was never aware of its release date in the first place. I feel like at the end of all the trailers, instead of saying "Coming February 3rd", it just said "this will be shuffled in and out of theaters so fast you won't even know it was released until you see an ad for it coming out on Blu-Ray in April"

Gems were originally created as self-replicating weapons in an intergalactic war against the Sneople. Calling it now.

What tile does that correspond with? Must've felt very satisfying.

I like that they are using the Music Meister but disappointed that NPH wasn't game to reprise his role and/or was too old and gross for the CW.