
If anything I feel it solidifies the notion that even after death we're capable of change. Michael thought the core four's natures were so fundamentally incompatible that they would torture each other for a millennium, but instead they became friends.

He showed her the same fake memories in the premiere. They're there to solidify her impostor syndrome. Eleanor definitely did not do charity work.

That would make sense actually, as none of her functions would require her to have genitals (just as they don't require her to have a working gastrointestinal system). So she lacks the hardware, and Jason is too dumb to recognize that this might be the issue and keeps trying different things in vain.

The fact that there's no sign of Mindy having a Medium Janet makes me suspicious, since they're apparently part and parcel with the metaphysical underpinnings of a Neighborhood. But maybe that's just something they elided because they only had 21 minutes.

It's the hallmark of the books, and one of the main things that makes the incredibly formulaic first few installments still engaging.

I love it. The moral underpinnings of The Fake Good Place were always suspect. This makes perfect sense.

Evil Ted Danson is legit creepy

Yup, because it's the end of the season :(

"In preparation for your trip to the Bad Place, please put on these fedoras."


"Oh, he's from Florida? He belongs in the Bad Place."

I mean who would want to do cocaine right now?

"Also there's some spoken-word poetry by William Shatner"

I only have classes M/W/F and even then the earliest starts at 11, so I could sleep until 10 every day if I wanted. I won't because eventually I start to feel like shit, but it's nice to know I have the option.

I slept in until 11, something I will theoretically be able to do every Thursday until May.

Lately I've been feeling like we diverged from the Prime Timeline sometime in the 21st century and are rapidly falling into a heavy-handed satirical alternate reality. In the Prime Timeline vaping never caught on, and E-Cigs serve as the same 'this is an alternate universe!' fictional marker that the continued use of

When was its first full day of existence as a free country?

Try 0.01%

I'm against doing it naked, that's for sure.

To the surprise of probably no one, Neil Degrasse Tyson is not very good at Match Game.