
It helps the Republicans' case that government is bad if they let buffoons and supervillains run it.

Are you telling me that releasing an Underworld movie and a Resident Evil movie both in the month of January is not a path to surefire box office success?

Ol' P-Stew has never been very discerning when it comes to collecting voice acting paychecks (see Neutron, Jimmy and Juliet, Gnomeo &) but this has got to be a new low.

I think it's the marker that distinguishes YA from Kids' Lit. Young protagonists + happy setting/plot/ending = 'kid stuff'. The bleakness is what 'grows it up' in the eyes of the consumer or retailer.

You may want to take a look at the "See Also" section of the film's wikipedia page.

You want one of the Movie Draft ghost slates?

I don't know about the 'chick lit' part, at least not in its entirety. Actually I think part of what has robbed YA of its cultural currency in recent years is the subgenrefication of it - so you do get the John Green ripoffs and the Twilight ripoffs that are considered strictly 'chick lit', but you also have the ever

I think of it as a marketing term used to describe any story that the publisher wants to be considered approachable. I suppose it has to feature young/adolescent protagonists, but that's the only requirement.

I read the Monty scene in the parking lot as him bluffing Olaf - basically pretending to be as oblivious as he actually was in the book version in order to make Olaf think his scam was succeeding, to buy time to get the children onto the Prospero. Since Monty lacks the excuse of neuroses like Aunt Josephine's, this

There's a depiction of grievous bodily harm in the final episode that put me in mind of Pushing Daisies immediately, so there is more to come even as the cinematography becomes slightly more dour.

My visualization of the series when I read them was so deeply influenced by the Helquist illustrations that I never really stopped to consider another aesthetic. I don't think it's really suggested by the prose but it pops on the screen and sort of serves as a visual counterpart to the adults' obliviousness towards

Treasure Planet is a ton of fun, definitely worth a viewing. The Jim/Silver relationship makes for the best father/son pairing Disney ever portrayed, and it has some of their best action sequences as well.

- A Series of Unfortunate Events on Friday. I'm still so pleased with how this turned out. It made me want to revisit the books and fan-cast the next two seasons.

Four years ago they wanted to elect a guy who called Russia the #1 geopolitical threat, and look at them now. The GOP doesn't consistenly want anything except to continue being in power.

It's just the reality of how the film production business works vs TV. It doesn't matter how long principal photography takes really. There's just no way of securing funding for 5-10 future films to be made over the course of two years and released whenever.

This will be the last SNL tweet that doesn't carry with it the authority of the Presidency of the United States!

He did a really good job.

I guess, if there was anybody out there stupid enough to think he'd change his behavior in any way once elected.