
Backfire how?

Unfortunately he's way too old for it now, and probably back in 2004 too. Late-80s Lloyd might've been pretty great at it.

You may be onto something. Baby Boss is an immensely confident vocal performance paired with the tentative, un-confident physical performance of a baby.

I should have posted about this yesterday I guess, but ASOUE became the first Netflix series I actually binged in a day since Wet Hot American Summer. It's so, so good. I want seasons 2 and 3 post-haste, a phrase which here means "hopefully in less than a year, because they want to avoid the kids getting too old and

Been prepping for the 1994 Mock Draft, I see.

Tonight's SNL Vintage is Carrie Fisher/Blues Brothers from 1978

Marriage is a locomotive that runs on us.

Unfortunately all of Disney's Animatronics artists will be tied up trying to recreate Donald Trump's gesticulations for his robot in the Hall of Presidents.

The cloning labs are going into overdrive!

I'm leaning toward the Quagmire Parents, which would keep the credits truthful, but I see the argument for Kit and Jacques Snicket as well. Which do you favor?

How long until he just resents every one of his constituents

I've heard so much about The Young Pope's vaunted Baby Pyramid that I can't believe there have been no promotional images released featuring said Baby Pyramid. I just want to see what it looks like!

That was my first thought too.

Really a TV series that amounts to a feature-length treatment of each book is ideal. There's no way a series that long that takes place over such a short timeframe could have worked in theaters - the kids would've gotten too old, too fast. This way they can do every book justice, and do it over the course of three

Will Arnett is in a ridiculous number of Netflix Originals at this point.

As "Governor Tarkin". As far as Lucasfilm and ILM are concerned, Peter Cushing doesn't really enter the equation (though they got permission from his estate, I believe it was just a formality). They consider the CGI recreation of an actor's features to be like an elaborate form of makeup worn by the new actor, meant

The latter. There was actually an actor on set (named Guy Henry, who has the imdb credit) and they CGI'd Cushing's face onto him.

I'd imagine that's probably what they're doing if this is true, it's just that they'll CGI her face onto the stunt double.

I meant that if all of humanity is on a bell curve and the Good Place residents represent the top 1% you'd get an asymmetrical distribution that looks like this.