
It's always great when SU does narrative experiments inside its narrow runtime. The first time I watched this episode I was just warming up to the show and I remember being really impressed that they fit this Inception-esque nested flashforward into ten minutes of storytelling, and that they had thought to do so in

Well they already dropped Dracula Untold from being part of it so maybe there'll only be three movies in the continuity at any given time as they keep trying to get the franchise engine to turn over.

It's an incredibly roundabout way to make an even worse version of LXG.


"What the hell?"

People looking back at the final electoral college count for this election (#optimism that there will be future people to look back at this election) are going to realize that we were even stupider than just who the winner is would indicate.

Ooh, can we put Space Jam on there too?

It's as compulsory as the annual meta-meta-meta thinkpieces about the Pumpkin Spice backlash backlash in late September.

You had never encountered that read before? I feel like it's been ubiquitous for at least several years. "Say, what's in this drink?" does come off as pretty questionable nowadays.

DO IT. Sometimes you only find what's interesting once you start writing! There's still two free days, the 22nd and 23rd.

That's exactly what Jared Leto was afraid of! Now he'll have to send people even more condoms and dead rats next time until we all acknowledge how great and different he is!

But did it make you forget about how great Heath Ledger was? Because that's what he was going for. (I assume, I have not watched Suicide Squad)

Interim Advent Calendar Entry: Run The Series - The Lego Winter Village

Since nobody ever signed up for today, I'm real quick whipping up an interim Advent Calendar entry. It's an unusual but #onbrand take on AVC feature Run The Series.

A lot of 'em have the poofy red fabric part in the middle, rendering them arguably non-hollow.

That's not quite true. People also flock to mostly-shitty animated kids movies and cheap horror sequels!

Apparently Bennett is 5'8" while Putin is 5'6" (so tiny! I had no idea) so he's not that far off.

In this context I think Aleppo is just [generic virtuous thing] to serve as set up for SNL's continued baiting of him. I would hope that nobody is waiting with bated breath for Trump himself to comment on Aleppo, more that there's a desire to have a President-Elect who might be able to comment appropriately.