
I don't believe so!

Featuring Jimmy Fallon in the many roles of Harvey Korman!

Beloved iconic character being impaled by his own son?

She's still on my lap though. I don't have the heart to push her off.

I was all happy that I had gotten Minnie, our newest cat, to sit on my lap, but then she chewed through my earbud cord. Rotten little creature.

Oh, maybe? I haven't watched either of those movies since they were in theaters but I guess I remember the scenes with young Jean Grey in X3. I think Patrick Stewart was ageless enough that they didn't do much to him at the time though. At least, not nearly as much as the nightmare that is his Origins: Wolverine

He was only shown from a distance and mostly from behind in a single shot, though. Which is how he should've been handled here if that's the best they can do.


You mean X-Men: Origins: Wolverine?

Especially when they already did that for a bunch of other, almost-as-iconic characters. Mon Mothma, Dodonna, the gratuitous Dr. Evazan cameo - all new actors. I get that Peter Cushing is a very distinctive-looking actor and it's probably tough to find a lookalike, but I'm sure if they had invested as much money in a

It's definitely the worst part of the movie. I could've lived with it if it had been a fleeting cameo like Leia's, but they just kept. coming. back to him.

But just think how good he'll look in the Special Edition in 20 years!

But what about when it comes out on home video?

@loki1001:disqus You were supposed to post your advent calendar entry today! Is it ready?

And with a Gentleman's F, no less!

I think it's just the… I don't know if taboo is the right word, but there's something weird about bringing back an actor who's been dead for two decades, as opposed to making a new CG character out of whole cloth.

In general concept? Yes. Turning into a militant, extremist Rebel who doesn't play well with the others makes a lot of sense as a life path for him. But there's no continuity whatsoever in the specifics of the performance.

What was my take on it? I just remember complaining about the anachronistic Lego snowspeeder in the 1999 prologue.

I'll be interested to see what you think of it. In some ways it's wildly and interestingly divergent from most modern blockbusters but in other ways it does everything you hate about shared-universe films.

Well, without a Skywalker on the team the eminently unrealistic adventures end a little more realistically. One review called it "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Stealing the Death Star Plans", which feels about right. It's a story that's adjacent to another towering work, but with a very different tone and divergent