
The Star Wars Universe has always been filled with death and tragedy, it's just that Lucas never lingered on it (except for like, that one Ewok getting sad about the other, deader Ewok). Princess Leia's whole damn planet gets blown up, and then Luke murders millions of Stormtroopers, and that's just the first movie.

I already bought $200 worth of the Lego sets, so pretty good.

I mean, I guess you can get space puppies and live forever if you become one with the Force. Except K-2. He's just ded.

I got the good seats for Rogue One! Using this heuristic I predict its weekend will be below expectations.

Oi where's your advent calendar entry?

I bought one of those as-seen-on-TV laser light things and aimed it at the tree in our front yard and it looks magical. I wish I could take a video and share it with you but my phone camera can't really capture the effect.

I wouldn't call truffle oil categorically disgusting but it sure as hell doesn't go with soy sauce.

soy sauce topped with truffle oil

PAGING FSC: Today is the day you signed up for the advent calendar!

Why are so many of them citing him? Did you assign them an essay on Community?

Thank you for kicking off the Calendar in style!

King George is a part made for stunt casting like this so I'm glad they're taking advantage of it. Only a matter of time before James Corden/NPH/etc. starts doing two-month stints too.


The other tiny silver lining is that maybe, in a few cases, their incompetence will prevent their evil from affecting public policy too much.

How was he at Ladders tho?

Casual game recommendation: bonk.io

If you look closely it's meant to be Sebulba.

Melania's a fan of the song, it could happen.

We'll take what we can get. But it is customary to relate it to the holidays at least tangentially.