
I guess my sister and her boyfriend are both gonna become stuntmen.

Removing a proven-safe substance like aspartame isn't an attempt at being healthy, it's an attempt at being trendy.

Existential crisis update: I have notified my professors that they should keep their rec letters on file but I won't need them this semester, and asked them all for advice. I won't be applying anywhere for the Fall. No point spending hundreds of dollars on application fees if I'm not dead set on it.

The monster provides the power in lieu of an engine!

I think it's like a hermit-crab-living-in-a-bottle-cap type of deal, where it needs a hard structure to protect itself and just happens to pick a truck.

A lot of the MA programs I've looked at don't offer fellowships or other forms of financial support, so I have to choose carefully.

What's worse is that when I went to Moana that was the best trailer I saw.

I definitely don't want to get stuck in academia forever, since from what I've heard the world of tenure and research is especially cutthroat for math. But at the same time I'm reluctant to go join industry because I don't want to be evil. And government jobs, one of the largest markets for math majors, are right out,

Part of my crisis in confidence is that I basically have half a degree in CS (I took 6 of the applicable classes with three more on the way next semester, which means I have nearly twice what the school counts as a minor) so I'm considering some CS programs. But then I feel like I don't know enough because I never

I'm having sort of an existential crisis because I procrastinated too long on applying to grad school and now I'm realizing that maybe I don't want to go to grad school at all because I'm not sure what I want to study and if I'm not going in order to study anything in particular that means I was just going to use it

Pitch it to the SNL writers' room. A movie from 7 years ago might be too recent for them to parody tho.

-'economic anxiety'
-white working class
-private email server
-normalization (in relation to both Trump and databases)
-contested convention (good times)

There's not much point to SNL VIntage if it's just reruns from last season.

I'm watching Muppet Christmas Carol right now. It's so good. Michael Caine is the best Scrooge because he actually feels like a real person all throughout his transformation. Even at the beginning when he's still a cold bastard he thinks he's a funny guy.

Hey does anyone know if there's a master list of previous CZ Advent Calendar entries? Have we covered Muppet Family Christmas yet?

Toby Jones is great at being Toby Jones-y.

So the young pope

I sampled the hat color from the rose for extra chromatic goodness.

"competent photoshop skills" is my middle name! And "procrastination" is my other middle name! So here you go: