
There used to be a craft soda in my local grocery store called Flying Cauldron Butterscotch Beer, that's basically just a ripoff of the Butterbeer they serve at Universal. It was really good.

I'd like you to draw a clock face…

Wow you're still around?

I should've known CBS would fuck this up in every way possible.

May 28 2018 is too long to wait!

I don't think the overall shape of most of the glyphs is ever described, just their interconnected bramble-like texture. They also just appear on a screen rather than being created by ink.

Yeah, I'm not saying it's a perfect fit, just that its density and holistic design are more like what I was picturing. Many of the alien glyphs in the movie weren't even complete circles, which is the only thing that bothered me about the design. An incomplete circle is just a line, topologically speaking!

I did like how the film interpreted the script but it wasn't terribly close to how I pictured it when I read the story. It was still too linear, even if the lines were curved. The key aspect of the writing in Chiang's telling is that every bit interacts with every other bit, which didn't really come across in the

It's because he was being educated by unhinged military types during the years of his sexual awakening </freud>

Yeah anyone who's dumb enough to visit r/all deserves what they get. T_D is just the latest in a long line of cancerous subs to dominate the front page, and while they may have gotten worse or more distressing over time, it's not like the content they're distracting from is any better. There are still and have always


Those early episodes were a blast, and they felt important. When Sulu helps Kirk build a spiral staircase for the alien race that’s spent centuries living on two unconnected floors of a big duplex in “As Above, So Below,” it wasn’t just a thrilling hour of television; it was showing what we can accomplish when we set

He's like one of the freaky-ass Muppets from Jim Henson's The Storyteller

It's shocking yet not shocking how every single one of his picks so far has been literally the absolute worst, most stereotypically villainous person imaginable. For a guy who's supposed to be so mercurial and ideologically fluid, he's been immensely predictable in his cabinet choices. They're all straight out of the

I find it kind of incredible that nobody ever got around to just making a movie of Wicked.

Much like sea turtles laying hundreds of eggs in the hopes that two or three hatchlings will survive to adulthood, the major media conglomerates will simultaneously incubate a dozen dark and gritty adaptations of a given public domain property while knowing only one or two will ever get made.

I don't even know where that part came from tbh. We never talk to him enough to flaunt our intellectual pretensions in the first place. I guess he probably knows that my parents are teachers and that my sister and I go to college, which qualifies us as wannabe intellectuals in his eyes?

I think, in addition to politics, the Florida Man meme (and the sentiment that underlied it even before it was codified as a meme) has done a lot to popularize the notion that Florida is a crazy lawless shithole. We have the third-largest population in the country, which just by the law of averages means we produce a