
Electorally speaking, this exchange isn't quite correct (though it is funny). Generally speaking Northern Florida counts as an extension of the rural South and votes much like its neighbors Alabama and Georgia. South Florida's Cuban vote is trending less conservative over time and is greatly diluted by other Hispanic

In the version I've seen in theaters they have little prices pop up indicating that certain clothing items worn by the characters are in fact sold by H&M.

They've been showing a shortened version of this in the pre-show reel every time I've been to the movies in November, and I've always thought "wow this is a pretty good imitation of Wes Anderson, considering it's just an H&M ad."

I guess he decided that the line about "I would've won the popular vote if that was what I had to win, I just won by the rules as written" wasn't braggadocious enough for him.

It used to be a running gag that Narrator was born on a Leap Day, so even though he said he was 16 he was actually 64.

I think he's about two years younger than me? I skipped 2nd grade so my academic trajectory has been slightly accelerated ever since.

I'm graduating college in like 6 months.

Wow, I didn't realize it had been around so long.

Most of the people still here have already been posting for 4+ years. What's four more?

If it was Harmon then 2013 (which only saw the airing of S4 episodes) would've been equally shitty, and it wasn't. So it must be Community regardless of quality, and we're all doomed to misery forever.

When Secretary of The Cyber Barron Trump takes over his twitter account.

2016 has run out of beloved people to kill, settled for Fidel Castro.

Upon rewatching Doctor Strange I have confirmed that the tree in the courtyard is used as a 'seasons pass' time indicator, with springtime buds the first time we see it, fall leaves the next, and bare branches during the third act, indicating that the overall story takes place throughout most of 2016. It's never the

Hey, some of us still live here.

That does sound fun!

I didn't really eat that much at dinner (I don't much care for turkey breast, mashed potatoes, or green vegetables, and that's most of the meal) but I definitely overate when the day is considered as a whole. Being old enough to drink now certainly doesn't help. 200 Calories for 12 oz. of hard cider? Yeesh.

It's delightful, it's delicious, it's DeLugg!

Declare the election null and void and make Joe Biden president.

It's pretty ridiculous that Mads is in two major Disney-owned blockbusters this fall yet I still cannot own a Lego version of him.

Because if you can raise $2M by concern trolling democracy, why wouldn't you?