
Along with all the others!

It's currently #122 of 251 on Metacritic's list of movies in theaters right now, so technically it will be included in a set of best reviewed movies before it would be included in a set of worst reviewed movies.

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them was clearly a fun little movie about capturing fantastic beasts that escaped into New York City, except then Warner Brothers was like "shit shit shit we need franchises! Jo, we're gonna need four more of these! The dump trucks of money are on their way!" and J. K. Rowling was

I just come here through the Disqus landing page now (link here). The serifs were the last reason to ever go to the review page.

He'll make sure nobody leaves their luggage in the house.

Our newest cat, Minnie, has always like to sit near us, but never on us. She's resisted all attempts at making her a lap cat thus far. But tonight it's cold enough that she is currently sitting on my lap and purring. Hooray for winter!

They're short, you can sample a few of them. The ones my cousin showed me when she was introducing me to the show were:

World of Coke

Trump's version of infrastructure spending isn't a lefty measure at all, it's a kleptocratic privatization grab meant to enrich his construction industry buddies at the expense of taxpayers.

He'll be too busy prepping his White House Correspondents Dinner set to appear in this.

Only if you count five-year-old boys as people.

Hahaha what?

Yup, World of Coke and the Georgia Aquarium were literally across the street from the hotel. I'll post more extensively with some pictures in a bit.

I had a long weekend in Atlanta! But that doesn't mean no pop culture.

Since we were doing Kenan facts in the chat last night, here's another one: When he was hired, he was the first cast member to be younger than the show itself. Now he's contemporary with Leslie Jones who will likely be the last cast member older than the show.

Reminded me of the Totino's/Super Bowl/X-Files sketch from the Larry David episode. "What's happening to my hungry guys? awful pundits?"

About 1/6th of the country in fact!

It both helps and hurts my appreciation of Helpless that I always hear Lin's growly "as long as I'm alive Eliza" as "'cause I'm a lonely lackin' llama" thanks to my sister's misinterpretation of the lyric when she first heard it.

You're going to make a cool sunglasses guy like myself laugh right out of my face.