
"Laura, do you even know what HIV is?"

Satisfied > Helpless

Darrell has gotten a lot better at reading the names over the last year.

I'm like a Koala Bear. On the outside I may seem nice but on the inside, I've never held elected office.

This SNL Vintage is so vintage it has Jay Pharaoh as Ben Carson.

Needs more "The Room Where It Happens"

More than impeachment, he's also insurance against would-be assassins.

I would imagine that at this point Pence's dearest hope is for Trump to get impeached. (In fact that was probably his dearest hope at all the points along the way, really).

This implies that any Trump fan was ever going to go see the show in the first place.

More students:

People's party identifications change. Maybe Season 1 Pierce would've still voted for Clinton, but I think the Pierce from seasons 2, 3, and yes definitely 4 would've been vulnerable to Trumps nostalgic, rich-white-guy-centric message while not understanding any of the reasons his friends are so outraged about him.

Oh man Starburns is a Johnson voter if I ever saw one.

Jeff is definitely the smug liberal about which all those think-pieces have been written.

For this exact reason there's a lot of posturing and self-conscious shittery inherent in this statement that could make for a compelling fictional villain. If only he weren't, you know, the incoming White House Chief Strategist and senior adviser to the President Elect.

I think you're giving Trump's economic policies too much credit. Trade protectionist policies in particular won't jolt the economy in any sort of positive direction. They'll just make everything fucking expensive while robots continue to do all the factory jobs. I'll be shocked if the economy is in anywhere near as

Tereglith Turns 21, Has Some Wines

I had a pulled pork sandwich and a cookie. Pretty good birthday so far.

Is it because the Dean shoved it down everyone's throat?

Thank you!

Yeah that's what gets me about all the wedge social issue shit like this. It's not helping anyone, and there's no profit motive. It's literally just hate for hate's sake.