
I'm on my way to Atlanta. Probably won't be around much for the next four days.

It's because they couldn't get permits to film the cabinet meetings they'll all be attending.

Pull Shazam up on your phone and plug the aux cord into your ear.

1. Return of the Mummy?
2. Dunno
3. Planet 51 (boy that sure was a movie that existed, I think).
4. 3 (Fast 5, Fast & Furious 6, Furious 7)

I get the nontraditional casting deal but Amy Schumer still strikes me as a weird choice to play Alexander Hamilton.

Will the first two movies be remakes of Caravan of Courage and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor or will they go with a completely new story?

Dash would probably work actually but I used to overuse them something fierce so I've trained myself not to reach for them more than once per paragraph. I've restructured it so the meaning is clearer and a simple comma suffices.

The fact that it's open to that misinterpretation indicates that it was a bad sentence to begin with. The sentiment I was trying to convey was "The task is evidently too daunting to warrant serious consideration. [That it is too daunting is] a conclusion we may eventually reach ourselves."

Yeah, I now realize that the second phrase lacks a verb so it can't be an independent clause. I don't think a colon would be right though either. I'm just gonna scrap the sentence and start over.

The sentence, so you can judge for yourself:

Microsoft Word just recommended that I use a semicolon. The fuck kind of uppity software thinks it knows where semicolons go?

What's the antecedent on that 'he'?

Nah I think there'd be enough of them willing to go for it, for the simple reason that they'd much rather have a predictably-odious guy like Pence in the Oval Office than an unpredictably odious guy like Trump.

I bought Treasure Planet: Battle At Procyon on Steam the other day after finding out that it is on Steam. It's basically the only 'real' video game I played as a kid so I've got some pretty heavy nostalgia for it. For a licensed PC game from the year 2002 it holds up remarkably well. It's not a perfect game by any

He knows you can't stop and frisk a whole country, right?

Moving Inhumans to TV makes sense seeing as they've been there since S2 of AoS already. Doing so via a financial partnership with IMAX is baffling.

Apparently it's being bankrolled in part by the IMAX corporation, which is profoundly weird on any number of levels.

I've still got my fingers crossed that Trump will appoint Carson as SoE and then follow through on his promise to eliminate the DoE, so it's just Dr. Ben sitting in a little room in Washington staring at a lava lamp for four years.


There's a time and a place for sans serifs. None of those times or places are body text.