
They were successfully manipulated into thinking Muslims are even scarier.

At this point it seems useless to ask how anyone on the right can deny anything. Denial is a free action.

MST3K has been working well for me. There's roughly 300 hours of it too so there's no danger of running out anytime soon.

Boy with all these "professional protesters" drawing salaries you'd think he wouldn't be so down on the state of the economy.

"I bet he'll hire good people" - my grandpa, today

Yes, because it's based on the 2020 census, which will be conducted while campaigns for congressional seats in 2020 are ongoing. Only after those campaigns are settled can the redistricting process be undertaken so that its results can determine the outline of races in 2022 and beyond.

They definitely would have gotten a supermajority if Clinton had won. Now it all depends on how the next two years play out. Seats won by Democrats in 2012 ought to be winnable in 2018 if President Trump's conduct is either depressing to his base or outrage-inducing the Democrats, and I think that pretty much covers

At least we have precedent now stating that the fourth year of a president's term doesn't actually count.

Yeah, and we should all give a shit about Russia not annexing everything it can get its hands on. I'm not saying these things don't matter, I've just been trying to evaluate how he might go about attempting to fulfill his campaign promises in terms of his reelection chances, and midterm chances before that. And I'm

That's another area where he might allow very bad things to occur before 2018, but that his supporters, I have to imagine, really just do not give a shit about either way (except inasmuch as it gave them the inexplicably popular 'Hillary will cause WWIII!" talking point in the closing days of the campaign, which

Mess with, sure. But he won't make them feel safe from the brown people who are already here legally. He won't be able to implement 'something terrific' in lieu of Obamacare and people will suddenly feel the sting of ballooning costs that it at least partially protected us from. He'll halt federal investment in green

It's obvious he won't be able to fulfill a single one of our campaign promises. We just have to hope that voters are smart enough to recognize that he's failing on all of them.

Sadly the composition of the Executive branch has a lot more day-to-day impact than a lot of bureaucratic flopping towards leaving the EU.

That's assuming that ever Johnson voter would have preferred Hillary, which is far from a sure thing.

Okay so after they all get in one building together we blow it up and Kiefer Sutherland becomes president, right?

I totally buy these percentages. There was a news item a few weeks ago that there are now 200M eligible (not registered) voters in the US. Turnout numbers were shitty.

If all the plants decided to kill us we'd pretty much deserve it.

I eventually worked up an appetite after working. I had a bag of fruit snacks and now I'm eating chicken nuggets. Walking people through calculus problems was oddly comforting and I'm not sure why.

Substance abuse isn't the only way to be unhealthy. He's clinically obese, eats fast food all the time, and apparently only sleeps 4 hours a night. I've got my fingers crossed for a heart attack.