
Has anyone else found they just don't have an appetite today? I ate two cookies at 3 am and a bowl of cereal at 3 pm. I just don't feel hungry.

Maybe we won't even make it to Inauguration Day!

I'm trying to design a Lego TIE bomber instead of doing anything productive.

Looks like quite a few are in CO.

Hillary's still ahead by ~200k votes. Less than half the PV margin Al Gore won by.

At this point I really am seriously considering just striking all American institutions from my list of prospective grad schools.

It's only half him, the other half is the time change. This used to be 3:30 AM.

I'm going to try to get to sleep. I don't particularly care whether I make it to my classes tomorrow.

That basically sums up the essence of Florida.

I hope that all the people who voted for Trump will soon realize that, whatever it is they thought he was going to provide for them, he will be utterly incapable of providing it. I fear that all they were hoping for him to provide was a white male body in the Oval Office.

I dunno, Trump's ground game really was in their hearts and not a computer.

Late Night's gonna be lit until it gets banned.

PA called for Trump. It's really all over.

Darkest timeline

At this point I'm really just hoping an administration composed entirely of angry, doughy septuagenarians will suffer a collective coronary and die en masse inside of six months.

We're overdue for a president to die in office, right?

From a long-term structural viewpoint losing this election would've been the best outcome for either party, if not for SCOTUS. That's what chafes most.

We can only hope that he'll tend more towards the isolationist posture he sometimes adopted than the dick-swinging carpet-bombing he promised at other times.

Incumbent party gets slaughtered in midterms, and 2018 will decide who controls redistricting in 2020, which could finally break the GOP's gerrymandered stranglehold on the House. This could actually be very good for the Democratic party in the long term. Shame about fucking up the Supreme Court for thirty more years…

"I'd like if my house was nicer. That would be a change. Setting something on fire is a change. I will set my house on fire." - American voters