
My cats will live lives untouched by any of this. Their purity and ignorance is a happy thing.

I'm having a hard time thinking of anything at the moment.

We never should have doubted the halloween mask sales.

"Sad!" should be the word of the year.

This image was posted the first time we passed 100,000. At the time it was because we'd never made a comment section so big. I think it's more appropriate now:

Yeah that's sort of the point. I buy it now and then I sell during the dead cat bounce. Now I'll be too late.

From the 538 liveblog:

Maybe all the xenophobes around the world will look at all the others and realize that really, we're all shitty in the exact same way and there's nothing to be xenophobic about at all!

I too am a cis white male but I enjoy purchasing manufactured goods at reasonable prices, having a job, and not being drowned by rising sea levels. I feel like we'll all be pretty affected.

So did anyone buy any Trump shares on the betting markets? Because you should be making a killing right about now. I wish I'd done it as misery insurance.

He'll go on a 50-state flipping-everyone-off tour through every district that voted for Trump.

Yes, and when you say it like that it makes perfect sense and in fact basically sums up the entire state.

Omaha's looking okay for her apparently.

Medical Marijuana passed in FL too.

If she loses Wisconsin we can all blame Paul Ryan, right?

McMuffin let us down too.

Ooh that's even further away. Any recommendations for schools in your part of the world?

North Carolina's gone.

This would be a great time for the Cascadian Independence movement to pick up steam.

Fuck my state.