
Hey Chair, I heard you're the RNC's top pick to replace Trump on the ticket should he drop out! Congratulations!

They couldn't've prevented him from running but they could've taken his candidacy seriously and, instead of assuming he would snuff himself out, unearthed and pushed the really troubling sound bites that would've turned him from clown to shitstain in the eyes of the media and public before he ran away with the

Yuuup. I read yesterday that there's apparently two big ones out there already lined up, one hit approximately as bad as this one and another that's worse (assumed to be the N-word). They'll be rolled out strategically over the next month.

Unfortunately that footage is owned by Mark Burnett's production company, and he's a huge Trumpster. The producers who might leak it would be penalized under contract with a $5M fine. David Brock has apparently said he'll cover that and the legal fees if anyone does it. I wonder if Mark Cuban might too (though that

Almost exactly 2.5 days later and our power is BACK yo! No need to scurry around to various open-late business looking for wi-fi to watch the debate on! (I wish I could choose not to consume it but it's a sick compulsion at this point).

Oh shit I get a whole week off from school! Thanks Matthew!

Okay with 24 hours warning instead of 2 they did a pretty good job.

We gonna liveblog SNL once again likely squandering its comedy show first dibs on a big piece of Trump news that dropped right on the weekend? http://avclubcommunity.chat…

He basically shut down Planned Parenthood in Ohio, that's gotta count for something!

I don't think so. Even if Pence quits now (I doubt he will tbh) he'll still have the stink of those three months where he was Trump's running mate on him. The only person with the 2016 record to successfully play principled conservative in 2020 is John Kasich imo.

Prediction: Sigourney Weaver will portray a contractor who specializes in repairing cosmetic damage to hallways and she has had it up to HERE with every last one of the Defenders.

I dunno, if it's anything like my American history classes they'll get behind schedule, cover WWII right before finals, and play the music video for "We Didn't Start The Fire" to cover what's left of the 20th century.

Yuup. The GOP were fucked either way from the start - kick out Trump around Convention time and you piss off his diehards. Keep him in and eventually you piss off anyone left in the party with a shred of decency. They chose the latter form of fuckening and now it's upon them. I'm sure Reince Priebus masturbates to

That's why I wish this had happened a month or two ago. There's just no time now - not only are ballot access deadlines gone by like they were when McMuffin entered, but the physical ballots are printed and in some cases cast.

Fucking finally. So many people are viewing his site right now that it's not even loading.

This is my favorite.

I see now that it was actually written under the name Baron. JFC, reality, at least try to keep things believable.

Under the name John Barron?

I thought it was a ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey… stuff.