
Forget the birds, I'm talking about the Adverse Wind Turbine Health Effects Which Supposedly Work Through Infrasound or Some Shit.

How do you expect Trump to understand what a sane person would propose when no sane person has ever willingly spent time with him?

I wonder how long it'll be before, in her effort to cater to every group of fringy granola nutjobs, Stein comes out against wind power.

That makes perfect sense, Hillary's constant use of e-mail has probably imbued her with highly dangerous Wi-Fi radiation, which can harm children's brains.

"We're the only species on Earth that observes Shark Week…"

I won't have you impugn McFlurrys in such a manner. If Kevin Can Wait is a fast food item, it's a bunch of warmed-over White Castle sliders.

AMPAS ca. 2001

I think it would've been a better question if it had been about liking Smashmouth's "All-star" semi-ironically because of its appearance in Shrek.


G = giga. There's a billion of them.

Ask me another.

I guess I can see at least six split states going blue in the Senate. Hill Republicans seem to love them some Tim Kaine. Seeing as Trump wants to let his VP govern anyway, a Trump/Kaine administration might not be so bad.

But at least he gave them some fresh air.

This is a fun what-if, but sadly the GOP's gerrymander-fueled stranglehold on the legislative branch would probably just result in the Trump/Pence ticket going through unchanged.

My team won!

There must be some mistake, we somehow tuned our interdimensional cable boxes to a universe where the people who run awards shows are competent, timely, and have reasonably good taste.

Did the internet take over the Emmys?

I may be in and out since I'm technically working but I'll do my best.
