
Do you have a vertical monitor?

Mine is this picture of a giant squid I drew in 7th grade. That was right around when I got my first laptop, and I was very proud of the squid picture, so I made it my background. Eventually I got so used to it that it felt wrong to have anything else, so I've retained it across nine years and three different machines.

What's your desktop background?

Our current homework project in Software Dev is to implement a Bubblesort algorithm using only a single variable, through considerable finesse and excessive use of preprocessor macros. (Typically the algorithm requires five variables, but the point of the assignment is to get us to get down in the mud with memory

1) A/C Repair 2) Captured by Pirates 3) Inspector Spacetime 4) Pistol Patty's 5) Moist towelettes 6) Hospital Administration/Criminology (her first major was tough for me to dredge up) 7) Magnetic Attitude 8) A midway game booth 9) Cougartown 10) in the closet of her gay boyfriend 11) Doing a keg flip 12) Reformed

The space ceded by the address bar was given to the tabs.

chrome updated and now I feel like all my tabs are too tall.

For sure on the second paragraph. Most voters are not ideological. The fact that Trump is so successful while shirking nearly all the principles of the GOP ideologues makes that clear on the right, and it can be argued that the Democratic party has always been a coalition for governing convenience rather than ever

I mean they're not verbatim, I'm transmuting the impression I get from the ads into their equivalent clickbait headlines. And yes, you can write a clickbait headline for any piece of media ("They started off as a study group. What they became is so much more.") but these ad campaigns invite the comparison with their

I'm shocked Speechless is so high considering how shitty and clickbait-y all ABC's promos have made it look.

I have unexciting plans for the weekend.

By Johnson's "populist style" you mean weed, right?

Historically Clinton's favorables have shot up whenever she's in office and plunged down whenever she's campaigning, but given the hyperpartisan landscape and the prominence of the office that effect would be less pronounced, if it exists at all, should she win the Presidency.

Trump would certainly be a one-termer, provided he doesn't resign out of boredom before it's even time to run for reelection (he would haaaaate being President if he won). Hillary would have a chance at reelection, I think, but it would be a fragile one. Even a moderate recession, which we'll be overdue for by 2020,

It was certainly downhill for him when he attacked Judge Curiel, and later when he attacked the Khans. Certain things he does have mattered in the moment. The trouble is getting people to remember them all the way until November, when so many seem all too eager to forget them.


Haha I had just listened to that ep on my walk, which partially informed my comment.

Yeah the SC is the sword of Damocles hanging over everything. I think the 'Republican strength' you say a Trump win would imply would be short-lived though. Trump's whole deal is overpromising to a demographic that's already completely disillusioned with politicians. I think two years is plenty of time for them to

In all likelihood this is the high water mark of his campaign and we'll return to a race that looks like '12 after the debates.

"In Move Hailed As Brave And Presidential, Man Who Previously Claimed Sky Green Admits Sky Blue"