Keep going. Don’t stop. It’s so good.
Vigilante justice is not great. Larry’s going to die in prison, no need for anyone else to ruin their life over him.
When Radiolab interviewed the folks for the Dinopocalypse story a couple years back, they noted that the impact event at Chicxulub would have kicked up dust particles that when falling back to earth super heated the entire planet to temperatures equivalent to a pizza oven on high
If the Cavs told Kyrie tough shit last summer and he was still on the roster...they’d still be the same band of dysfunctional pricks they currently are. But, and this is important, they’d be a considerably more talented band of dysfunctional pricks, and would have greatly increased the possibility that they could have…
It was the local ‘Game of the Week’ on The U, a local TV station in Chicago. Here is one more view w/ commentary.
I assume we can look forward to Penn State erecting a statue in honor of Simon soon.
The internet isn’t the mistake, allowing
children to use itpeople to use it for things besides porn and piracy is.
Hey John - I’m just going to go ahead and speak for everyone here and say that suspending you, or investigating you, or calling you out, or firing you, does not actually ‘distract’ from the victim’s statements. Quit worrying about that.
Let’s just breakdown what we’re working with here.
You’re right and I would give MSU four business days to get it fixed.
If the Miller family gets another bill after, say, this Friday, then bulldoze the MSU Sports Clinic.
Well said.
Look at Yipes, infamous for his profanity-laden shit talk during Mahvel matches. That’s what got him famous; he knows more than better to clean the fuck up when he’s in front of the camera (these days, any camera) because he’s now one of the faces of the culture and he can’t be dropping n-bombs and calling people…
The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where…
I hope Larry Nassar has great genes like our president, and could live to be 200 years old.
Good for Aly for having the courage do to this!!
I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening. I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if…
I generally hate PVP games because/and I’m bad at them, but the fact that its free and available on console made me download it and try it out on Xbone.
Funny that this late and poorly updated article is the first thing posted about soccer today, still nothing on Manchester City-Liverpool which was a great game with great goals and ended the Invincible run of City.