
Really? I have a hard time believing that's not just your perception.

I know any number of liberals who have high minded empathy for groups of people they don’t know, don’t interact with, don’t work with, and don’t live in neighborhoods with, and then turn around and have a tremendous amount of venom for the PTA, their neighbors divorce, another woman’s inability to marry, people that

Acetone is nal polish remover. You could definitely try it on your scalp without really hurting yourself.

Honey, my parents are liberal and also abusive.

Its abuse.

I know it’s hard to imagine now, but in the 80s, Trump wasn’t deified, he was a person famous for being famous, sort of like Paris Hilton years later.

I was thinking a similar thing. If she's into Trump, whelp, that might just be what it is, but I've also seen people in toxic situations just get so damn contrary, either for attention, or just for a smidgen of control. Happens.

I disagree? While this doesn’t apply to everone, a trend I noticed in academia, is that a system that is hard on women and poc, tends to produce and retain only women and poc that are hardened. I experienced tremendous cruelty and hazing at the hands of women in academia, which was looked over many times as normal or

This sounds so much smarter than the dramatic american debate which is always either: you pay everything or you pay nothing.

I like how socks is just on the podium. :)

How about a positive rather than negative slogan?

Young progressives need to realize that real life isn’t on twitter. Put the phone down and respectfully talk to people you disagree with. Having a convo with a left of center Democrat will not contaminate you.

Tired of the dognormativity, where’s my radical left presidential cat?

Or, we could just start calling men whores too.

Change the question?

You should find some centrists and ask them why they feel that way instead if telling them who they are.

Yes. Women are chastised and held accountable and men arent, see? Hat do you think the outcomes of that are? It’s misogyny masquerading as wokeness.

Idk. I can both hate Melania and agree that gender role duties for the first lady are bullshit.

Well, you can hate it, and not comment.

Agreed. I actually find Teigens post tacky a tone deaf, but that’s my opinion and I’m not going to tell her that, especially given the subject matter.